Writing about the technology

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The technology of future
Have you ever thought about paying easily and quickly while standing in front of the ticket machine in the metro station? Would you like to get more information about goods in the supermarket without any efforts? Well, the technology has arrived for you!
The keyword is NFC chip. Nowadays, the number of mobile phones containing NFC chip is increasing dramatically. In this way, we can detect and read NFC tags which can be placed, for example, to goods like our favorite chocolate. After taking our mobile near to the package, the NFC tag on it directs your browser to the webpage of manufacturer in this simple case...
Besides getting information about anything, the technology is usable for more serious things like paying. The way I see, this is the most dangerous part of the application. Irresponsible or just careless users can waste a lot of money and time if they detect a harmful tag. This is not impossible with respect to replacing a tag to another is pretty easy. (NFC tags are similar to stickers.) It’s terrible just to imagine what the consequences can be…
In conclusion, spreading of the use of these chips has just started but it is expected to be very popular soon. If the security bugs were fixed, it could be the greatest invention of this decade in daily life.

Bardzo prosiłabym o sprawdzenie :)
A gdzie sa przedimki? poszly sie opalac w tak ladny dzien?

The technology of (przedimek) future
Well, the technology (musisz napisac do czego) has arrived for you!
In this way, we can detect and read NFC tags which can be placed (ale gdzie nad? pod? okolo? przed), for example, to goods like our favorite chocolate. After taking our mobile near to the 'package,' (nie, napisz 'product) the NFC tag on it directs your browser to the webpage of (przedimek) manufacturer 'in this simple case' (tego nie rozumiem)...
Besides getting information about anything, the technology is usable for more 'serious' (jakie to 'serious' dla niektorych to jest przyjemnosc...poszukaj inne slowo) things like paying. The way I see IT, this is the most dangerous part of the application. Irresponsible or just careless users can waste a lot of money and time if they 'detect' (nie da sie tego rady, bo musialabys sie dokladnie znac na tych, potrzeba inne slowo) a 'harmful' (nie, tego nie masz na mysli, chyba 'faulty-zepsuty) tag.
...This is not impossible with respect to replacing a tag to another is pretty easy. ...(cos to zdanie nie jest tak jak powinno byc)
(NFC tags are similar to (ale jakie? duze? male?) stickers.) It’s terrible just to imagine what the consequences (ale czego?)can be…
In conclusion, spreading of the use of these 'chips' (nie, (masz na mysli telefonow dostosowancyh z tymi wlasnie cudami) has just started (przecinek) but it is expected to be very popular soon.


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