Zdania w Reporter Speech

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dzień dobry!
Mam kilka zdań które trzeba zamienić. Bardzo proszę o oprawienie moich błędów.

Zdanie: "I inspected the site yesterday" the foreman said.
Zamieniłem: The foreman said he had inspected the site previous day.

Zdanie: The interviewer asked me why I was applying for the job.
Zamieniłem "Why are you applying for the job?" the interviewer asked me.

Zdanie: "Where is the paint stored" I asked the engineer.
Zamieniłem: I asked the engineer where the paint was stored.

Zdanie: "Let's change filters next week' the engineer said.
Zamieniłem: The engineer suggested to change the filters following week.

Zdanie: I asked the technican how often he usually checked the pipes for cracks.
Zamieniłem: "How often do you usually check the pipes for cracks?" I asked the technican.

Zdanie: "Will you cope with extra workload?" her boss asked her.
Zamieniłem: "Her boss asked her if she would cope with extra workload.

Zdanie: "How much paint do you have to use?" the engineer asked the painter.
Zamieniłem: The engineer asked the painter how much paint he has to use.

Zdanie: "Please, close off the valve" the foreman asked Peter.
Zamieniłem: "The foreman asked Peter to close off the valve.
Będę bardzo wdzięczny za pomoc!
przed previous day musisz wstawic przyimek (taki sam jak prze ddniami tygodnia) i przedimek (jeden byl poprzedni dzien, prawda?)

suggest wymaga gerund

w zdaniu o painter nie widze nastepstwa czasow

reszta ok


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