Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Joan of Arc, who was born in 1431, (0) …lived… (live) in Eastern France. She was the youngest child of a poor farmer. She (1) KNOWN (know) as ‘The Maid’, which means a young, innocent girl. To this day she (2) REMAINS (remain) an important figure in Western culture. Major writers and composers, such as Shakespeare, Tchaikovsky and Schiller (3) CREATED (create) works about her. And she (4) INSPIRED (inspire) future artists too. What (5) DOES SHE(she / do)? By 1431, at the age of 19, she (6) LED(lead) the French army to several important victories. And she (7) DIED(die) a terrible death. If she (8)WAS (be) alive today, she (9)PROBABLY LEAD(probably / lead) an environmental campaign, not a military one. But as a girl soldier in the fifteenth century, she made a huge impact, an impact which (10) STILL FEEL(still / feel) today.

Joan of Arc, who was born in 1431, (0) …lived… (live) in Eastern France. She was the youngest child of a poor farmer. She (1) KNOWN znana (know) as ‘The Maid’, which means a young, innocent girl. To this day she (2) REMAINS ok albo present perfect (remain) an important figure in Western culture. Major writers and composers, such as Shakespeare, Tchaikovsky and Schiller (3) CREATED ok (create) works about her. And she (4) INSPIRED inspirowała (inspire) future artists too. What (5) DOES SHE(she / do) co ona robi? By 1431, at the age of 19, she (6) LED Past perfect ma byc (lead) the French army to several important victories. And she (7) DIED ok(die) a terrible death. If she (8)WAS (be) alive today, she (9)PROBABLY LEAD tu ma byc drugi tryb warunkowy(probably / lead) an environmental campaign, not a military one. But as a girl soldier in the fifteenth century, she made a huge impact, an impact which (10) STILL FEEL nadal czują (still / feel) today.