Bardzo proszę o pomoc w zadaniu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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makes the tv switch on
Chciałam dzisiaj poprosić o pomoc w paru zadaniach oraz sprawdzenie.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs allow, let or make.

1 Are pupils at your school allows to use mobile phones during the lessons?
2 I’ll let you decide where to go on holiday.
3 My mum makes me clean my room at the weekend. In fact, it was in a terrible mess.

4 Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form to make sentences in the zero, first, second
or third conditional.

1 If you were wiser, you wouldnt make(not make) the same mistake again.
2 I would have bought(buy) a laptop in that shop if they had had the model I needed.
3 If you heat ice, it melts(melt) .
4 If you dont study (not study) harder, you won’t graduate from school with good results.
5 I couldn’t run the restaurant if I ......(not cook) so well.--tutaj nie wiem
6 My friends could have helped you if you had asked (ask) them.

5 Complete the sentences with if, when or unless

1 If you press this button, the machine starts working.
2 My boss told me to call him when I had any problems with the report.
3 Unless you trust me, I won’t be able to protect you.
4 Maybe he’ll send you an e-mail. If he sends you an e-mail, let me know.
5 He will send you an email for sure. When he sends you the e-mail, let me know.

Narazie tyle.
3/1 potrzebna strona bierna. 3/3 zle.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 18 cze 2013
mówisz o pierwszym zadaniu z tch trzech czy ostatnim ?
Mowie o 1 i 3 zdaniu w 3 zad.
My mum lets me clean my room at the weekend. In fact, it was in a terrible mess ?
W 3 zdaniu make jest ok. Zly czas.
czyli będzie maked.

a odnośnie pierwszego ma być allowed?
Nie ma slowa MAKED.
o przez zmęcznie ;) made . a to allowed jest dobrze?
Cytat: Lennonka554
o przez zmęcznie ;) made . a to allowed jest dobrze?
+ to
tak tak to wiem. a jak reszta zadań?
Imo, w dwoch zdaniach w 5 masz zle slowa.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 18 cze 2013
w 2 ma być If?
Jeszcze jedno?
hmm wydaje mi się że wszystko dobrze..w 1 ma być When?
W mojej opinii, tak. Moze ktos bedzie innego zdania;)
okej :). a jak zadanie 4?
Nowadays corn is grown (grow) in the east of England.

Czy tak ma brzmieć to zdanie, pytam dla pewności?

edytowany przez oddperson: 19 cze 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
61-80 z 80
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