Sprawdzenie zadania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić : )?

3 Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold. Keep the meaning of the original sentences.

1 Why don’t we go for a meal together? (how about)
How about going for a meal together?
2 I like learning science. (keen)
I keen on science.
3 We should find a language course. (let’s)
Let's find a language course.
4 Would you like to learn painting? (interested)
Are you interested in painting?
5 I’d like to do something active after sitting in class all day. (prefer)
I’d prefer to do something active after sitting in class all day.

I tego :

4 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1 You were taught (teach) maths by Mrs Osmond next year.
2 Nowadays corn is going (grow) in the east of England.
3 The flood have been caused(cause) by recent heavy rains.
4 The suspect is being followed (follow) by the detective right now.
5 The office must be evacuated (evacuate) immediately.
6 Her jewellery was hidden (hide) in the safe last week.
7 Environmental issues are discussed (discuss) in the media at present.
8 School uniforms are worn(wear) in this school since the 19th century.
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