Problem z poprawnością tekstu angielskiego

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć, chciałbym prosić Was, którzy o angielskim mają większe pojęcie ode mnie o pomoc w poprawieniu ewentualnych błędów w poniższym tekście. Jest to streszczenie (niedokończone, brakuje 2-3 ostatnich zdań) książki The Darling Buds of May. Tutaj znajduje się jej opracowanie[tel].pdf

A to moje streszczenie:
The main characters of the book are Sidney „Pop” Larkin, Florence „Ma” Larkin, their six children and Cedric „Charley” Charles. One beautiful day Larkin’s family is coming back home in the countryside. The eldest daughter, Mariette notices strange man, waiting for them. His name is Cedric Charlton, but soon family call him “Charley”. Cedric is working in tax office. Instead of doing his job, he spents lovely time with family and falling in love with Mariette. They often go on walks and talk so much together. In the meantime Pop buys the Rolls Royce and lend his field for a gymkhana. The family take part in strawberries picking. Charley prefer to sit in the tent and weigh the boxes with fruits instead of working in the hot sun. Next day, Pop call in the doctor to check Cedric. Doctor says, Cedric need week or two stay off work. In the meantime Miss Pilchester visit Larkin’s family. She’s a neighbor and organise a gymkhana. Pop talk with her about the event , they plan it. In the day of gymkhana everyone are very busy. Miss Pilchester organise gymkhana and Pop and Ma organise cocktail party after the event. Mr Larkin talks with Sir George and offers to buy him old mansion.

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