Prosze o sprawdzenie poprawnosci zastosowania czasow.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam dobrac do zdan odpowiednie czasy present perfect, pp continuous lub past simple.
Oto zdania ktore zrobiłem (moga byc urywkami) prosze o ocene i ewentualne wskazowki co i dlaczego jest zle ;)

Since the 1990 s manufacturs have made a number of improvements
Around 1920 petrol-engined tractors began to
The used the pump since it was introduced in the early 1890
When did E Whitney invent the cottn gin ?
We introduced computer technology to produce soil maps in 2006 and since then the crop yields have increased significantly
He’s been working on this project fot two months and he hasn’t finished it yet
I met you in September so I knew you for two months tutaj kiepskie foto dialogu ponizej
Why did you leave
I’ve wanted a new challenge
What did you do
I’ve been working for … but I didn’t find the roght job until G Tech have offered me a position
How long have you been working for
Yes. My team have been developing .. we haven’t finished yet
It’s very interesting I was in the IT sector I’ve been working


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