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Mam pytanie związane z "none of". Otóż sama się wzięłam za angielski i w ramach praktyki piszę sobie różne zdania i chciałam zbudować zdanie:

There are many cookies on the table but you can/cannot take none of them.

none of- samo w sobie jest zaprzeczeniem, a w j. ang jest zasada jednego zaprzeczenia, a nie jak w Polsce podwójnego, czyli powinno być CAN tak?

Proszę o rozwianie moich wątpliwości. :))
zgadza sie, moze byc albo can + none, albo cannot + any
Ok, super, dziękuję.

To jeszcze mam parę niejasności, jeżeli mogłabym jeszcze skorzystać z uprzejmości...

Po konstrukcji "neither of", "none of" zauważyłam, że pisze się is, a nie are

eg. I have two friends but neither of them IS fat.

Czy pisze się w takim przypadku również has, likes, etc (3 os. l. poj.)?
Pronouns neither and either are singular, czyli sa uzywane z czasownikam w l.poj.
podobnie jest z none - tez wymaga uzycia czasownika w formie 3 os.l.poj (formalnie); w mowie potocznej wystepuje rowniez z forma w
Dziękuję pięknie za informacje!

Pozdrawiam. :))
czasami 'neither of' i 'either of' nieformalnie tez sa uzywane z czasownikiem w l.m.
'none of' + plural jest generalnie do przyjecia nawet w uzyciu formalnym
what 'bout this:

Neither Paul nor the teachers like the play.
Neither the teachers nor Paul likes the play.

I put forward the point for the asker's edification.
edytowany przez grudziu: 26 cze 2013
You know the answer already :)
Here the last NP determines the concord - the principle of proximity
In the oral exam I sat last Friday, when meaning 'put a child to bed', I used the phrase 'put a baby down', to which the teachers sitting in the examination board (the Polish) collapsed into giggle. They said to me that when I put a baby down I kill them by giving them a drug (we know it's about a sick animal). I have been at odds with the teachers about that. They wrongly lowered my mark!
That must be BrE, why didn't you tell them that?
I told them, but they didn't want to listen to me. They know they have got supremacy over me. If only there had been a native in the board!
You don't need a native to put them down. Tell the schmucks again ( no offense ) they were wrong.
You can also tell them to take a crash course on some English Children's Dictionary and Thesaurus set.:)

Print it out and tell them 'OED Second Edition' says it so:

42. put down. a. See simple senses and DOWN adv.
s. To put ( a child ) down.

(Armstrong Ballon Man i. 5) Johny bounced out of his healthy three-and-a-half-year-old sleep at 6 a.m. The trouble was she had to put him down so early.
( D. DEVINE Dead Trouble iv. 33) Sarah Caine was putting Timmy down for his afternoon nap when the telephone rang.
(Niesewand uNDEGROUND cONNECTION 152) 'Is the baby asleep?' , 'I think so. She went off very quickly when I put her down.'

jak widac, nie po raz pierwszy i nie ostatni, profesjonalizm nie zawsze idzie w parze z wiedza
grudziu, to jest ich zawod, a z tego, co mi wiadomo, w kazdym zawodzie zdarzaja sie partacze :P
Cytat: savagerhino
'none of' + plural jest generalnie do przyjecia nawet w uzyciu formalnym

tak raczej jest, bo none to nie tylko not one, ale rowniez not any
ale w szkole chyba lepiej uzywac czasownika w 3 o.l.poj.
E tam,Engee, od razu partacze:) , moze sie zle czuli po prostu? :)


On a sidenote:
In Jazz jive ( chiefly U.S.) 'put down' could mean to establish a rythm or style or just perform ( an adverb goes 'both ways') or if you put down some pork and beef, it means you preserve it for later use (also U.S.)
Zanim zaczniemy nazywać innych partaczami, zwrócmy może uwagę na wieloznaczność 'put sbd down' i na to, że z powyzszych cytatow wyraznie wynika, ze chodzi o polozenie dziecka spac - sa tam w otoczeniu slowa typu sleep albo nap.
Partacze zdarzaja sie. Na kazdym forum.
>>ale w szkole chyba lepiej uzywac czasownika w 3 o.l.poj.


None with plural count nouns is in divided usage:

None (of the books) has/have been placed on the shelves.
Prescriptive grammars have tended to insist on the singular verb, but notional concord invites a plural verb, which tends to be more frequently used and is generally accepted even in formal usage.
The plural is even more favoured in such constructions with none:
None of them have been placed on the shelves.

edytowany przez savagerhino: 26 cze 2013
>>sa tam w otoczeniu slowa typu sleep albo nap.

tak, oczywiscie to musi byc w 'familiar speech', moze Grudziu to jakos inaczej ujal a oni zrozumieli tak jak zrozumieli, nie wiem
Cytat: savagerhino
The plural is even more favoured in such constructions with none:
None of them have been placed on the shelves.

no tak, them bardziej lezy z have, anizeli z has, jak sie na to patrzy czy mowi
jak teraz Grudziu jest wsrod nas, to by sie wypowiedzial, jak to bylo z kontekstem w jego nieszczesnym przypadku
Cytat: mg
Partacze zdarzaja sie. Na kazdym forum.

I couldn't agree more
They must've been tired, because I came into the room last of all (6.30 pm). They are really good (UAM Poznan). Natives sat in the exam by midday. Personally, I prefer being marked by a Polish teacher to being marked a native, because the latter tends to be less strict in grading.

PS I once met a teacher (a Pole) who claimed that the English used the phrase "I am concentrated". (facepalm)
edytowany przez grudziu: 26 cze 2013
alright, but how ever did that phrasal verb come into the game at that 'audition'?

Well, there's still a second chance for you to weasel out of it or jew them down for a higher mark or something.You can always say you didn't mean just a baby, you thought it was a zombie or vampire baby and it somehow felt right that you had to put this little ugly beast down.:) You know, like in The Walking Dead :)
or as in 'kiedy należy kremować dzieci'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.