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Hi! I wrote an agrumentative essay about the positives and negatives of atheism. I will be grateful if someone could check it. If you want, add your statement about this topic :)

Atheism – advantage or disadvantage?

Nowadays we can meet with different religion views and one of them is atheism. People who are atheist don’t believe in any supernatural things like God, divination, black magic or religions. Is atheism a good decision?
In Poland being an atheist is such a challenge. We live in conservative county in which some percent of people are intolerant. I reckon that the main advantage of this persuasion is freethought. Nobody can enforce the dogmas in which people have to believe because atheists have their own world of beliefs. There are also no limits like Lent and they don’t have to pay for sacraments which are really expensive. They have a possibility to tackle the problem of their life on earth instead of thinking about the heaven.
In fact atheists cannot become a godfather or a godmother. They also have to find their own system of values and cannot count on God’s help or they can feel alone in our world.
Non-believers are sometiemes also intolerant of the believers and that case may cause conflicts.
In my opinion people should have freedom of religion and they shouldn’t care about the other people business.
Nowadays we can meet 'with' (niepotr - cos mi wyglada na polska kalke) different religion views and one of them is atheism. People who are atheist don’t believe in any supernatural 'things' (God nie jest 'thing' ale BEING) like God, divination, black magic or religions. Is 'atheism a good decision?' (cos tu nie tak z tym zdaniem, pomysl dokladnie co chcesz napisac)
In Poland being an atheist is 'such' (niepotr) a challenge. We live in (przedimek) conservative county in which 'some' (a large) percent of people are intolerant. I reckon that the main advantage of 'this persuasion' (tzn jakiej - nie jest tutaj jasno napisane) is freethought. Nobody can enforce the dogmas in which people have to believe (ale w co?) 'because' (zle slowo, daj 'as', albo nawet being mindful of the fact that) atheists have their own world of beliefs. There are also no 'limits' (zle slowo) like Lent and they don’t have to pay (komu? czemu?) for sacraments (podaj jakie?) which are really expensive. They have 'a' (zly przedimek) possibility to tackle the problem of their life on earth instead of thinking about 'the' (niepotr) heaven.
In fact atheists cannot become a godfather or a godmother. (tutaj mi brakuje konca).
They also have to find their own system of values and cannot count on God’s help (...that's if God does exist - evidence for theat) 'or' (zle slowo, daj tutaj 'and') they can feel alone in our world.
In my opinion people should have freedom of religion and they shouldn’t care about 'the' (niepotr) other people business.

kochanie, masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the), musisz je pokonac....
Bardzo dziękuję za poprawkę :)
Tak, tak, mam problem z articles oraz ze stylem, ale jestem na dobrej drodze, aby pisać poprawniej :)


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