Wywiad przetłumaczony na angielski.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o wskazanie błędów.

X: Are we on the verge of a third world war? Tensions in the Middle East are likely to
continue and aggravate, which is the upshot of the rebellion in Syria. Is this conflict going
to be internationalized?
Z: A war in this region is the thing that we should stay away from most. The situation is
increasingly unstable. No one ought to involve in the conflict until it has been
determined who used the chemical weapons. In addition, it is necessary to cut Syria off
in terms of weapon deliveries and stop supporting either party of the conflict.
X: Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced that any Polish military presence in
Syria will not be considered. Is he right in doing so?
Z: Of course, he is. Over the last 20 years we have gained enough fighting experience
getting involved in numerous missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Therefore it is essential to
refrain from making any rash decisions concerning Syria. It can’t be ruled out that the
conflict will spread over the countries abutting on Syria. From a soldier’s point of view such
a decision is not justified. There is a risk of persisting in the conflict for years.
X: General Stanisław Koziej, the head of BBN, is not as uncompromising as the Prime Minister
as he points that if Turkey’s territory were in danger, then we should back it up.
Z: This political declaration is a result of our membership in NATO. Turkey also belongs to
this organization and according to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, we are obliged to
support our ally. Certainly, he did not refer to any military action.
X: President of the United States Barack Obama has turned to Congress for approving of
the intervention in Syria. What form do you think such an intervention can have if put into
Z: Having studied former conflicts I think the first step will be to start air operation using
aircrafts, bombers and cruise missiles, the objective of which will be to undermine Assad’s
position. If precise attacks do not achieve this goal, land operations will be taken into account.
The scenario I have just mentioned was implemented in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Americans have a great military potential enabling them to carry out an incredibly precise
and quick air military action. On the other hand, land operation might be risky and they
must be preceded with thorough preparations.
No one ought to BECOME involveD in the conflict until it has been
determined who used the chemical weapons. In addition, it is necessary to cut Syria off
in terms of weapon deliveries and stop supporting either party of the conflict.
X: Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced that any Polish military presence in
Syria will not be considered IN ANY FORM. Is he right in doing so?
From a soldier’s point of view THIS KIND OF decision is not justified.

X: General Stanisław Koziej, the head of BBN TO JEST POLSKI SKROT

as he points that if Turkey’s territory were in danger, then we should back it up=WESPRZEĆ, BARDZO ROZMYTE ZNACZENIE.

X: President of the United States Barack Obama has turned to Congress for approving of LEPIEJ: SANCTIONING
the intervention in Syria.

Z: Having studied former conflicts I think the first step will be to start AN air operation using
aircrafts, bombers and cruise missiles, the objective of which will be to undermine Assad’s
On the other hand, A land operation might be risky and they DO CZEGO SIE ODNOSI TO SLOWO
must be preceded with thorough preparations.


Business English