Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności :).

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Write out the sentences, using the most logical tense or form of the verbs In the brackets. The words in italics should be put in their correct position in relation to the verb.

1)By the time the firemen (arrive), the house (be) ablaze from top to bottom, but it (be) clear that if someone (give) the alarm earlier, they might (stand) a chance of (save ) the building.

By the time the fireman arrived the house was ablaze form top to bottom, but it was clear that if someone had given the alarm earlier, they might stood a chance of saving the building.

2)I wish you ( tell) me last week that you (come) to London. If I (know) in time, you not (have to) stay in a hotel.

I wish you told me last week that you are coming to London. If I had known in time, you wouldn’t have stayed in a hotel.

3)Why you not (tell) me you (can) lend the money? I not (need) (borrow) it from the bank.

Why didn’t you tell me you could lend the money? I needn’t borrowed it from the bank.

4)The driver said he not (can) (understand) why the car (break down) during the race. It (undergo) thorough testing before (be) entered in the competition.

The driver said he could not understand why the car broke down. It had underwent thorough testing before it was entered in the competition.

5)It’s time we (go). If we not (leave) now, we ( miss) the last train.
It is time we went. If we not leave now, we’ll miss the last train.

6)(Be) you cut off while I (talk) to you just now? You (be)? I think something must (go) wrong with the telephone.
Were you cut off while I’ve been talking to you just now? You’ve been? I think something must have gone wrong with the phone.

7)The manager (talk) to an important customer at the moment but he (be) free (see) you presently. (Like) you (take) a seat for a few minutes?
The manager is talking to an important customer at the moment but he is free to see you presently. Would you like to take a seat for a few seconds?

8) I know I ought (write) to you before, but I (be) so busy recently that I not ( have) time for (write) letters. I (telephone) you instead, but I (forget) you numer.
I know I ought have written to you before, but I have been so busy recently that I have no time for writing letters. I will telephone you instead but I forgot your numer.

9)When I last (see) him, he (live) in London. He (tell) me then that he (think) of (emigrate) to Australia, and he may well (do) so by now.

When I lat have seen him, he has lived in London. He told me then that he was thinking of emigration to Australia, and he may well has done so by now.

10)I (be) very excited at the prospect of (go) (ski). It (be ) the first time I(try). I think ther is nothing like (ski) for (make) a holiday enjoyable.

I am ver excited at the prospect of going skiing. It was the first time I tried. I think there is nothing like skiing for making a holiday more enjoyable.
11) I wish you (let) me (know) you not (be able) to come a dinner. I certainly not (go) to all this trouble if I (know).

I wish you let me know you weren’t able to come a dinner. I certainly wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble if I had known.

12)He said he not (want) (see) the film as he (hear) that it (be) not as good as critics (suggest)
He said he did not want to see this film as he heard that it is not as good as critics suggested.

Z góry baaardzo wszystkim dziekuje za wskazówki.
wpisz swoje odpowiedzi
na razie wyglada to tak, ze szukasz frajera, zeby samemu nie musiec nic robic.
nie szukam żadnego frajera. pod kazdym zdaniem napisalem swoje jak ja bym to rozwiązał, proszę tylko o sprawdzenie.
przepraszam, nie zauwazyłem Twoich odpowiedzi.
By the time the fireman arrived KONSTRUKCJA Z 'BY' WYMAGA TU CZASU PERFECT the house was ablaze form top to bottom, but it was clear that if someone had given the alarm earlier, they might stood PO MODALNYCH TLYKO BEZOKOLICZNIK. TUTAJ KONIECZNY JEST PERFECT INFINITIVE, BO TO TRZECI CONDITIONAL - TAK JAK W PKT. 2 a chance of saving the building.

I wish you told ZLY CZAS, POWTORZ REGULKI UZYCIA CZASOW PO WISH me last week that you are ZLY CZAS, NASTEPSTWO CZASOW coming to London. If I had known in time, you wouldn’t have stayed in a hotel.

Why didn’t you tell me you could lend the money? I needn’t borrowed ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA it from the bank.

The driver said he could not understand why the car broke down SAMOCHOD ZEPSUL SIE WCZESNIEJ. It had underwent ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA W PAST PERFECT thorough testing before it was W ZDANIU WYJSCIOWYM NIE MA 'IT'. TO COS ZMIENIA. WIESZ CO? entered in the competition.

It is time we went. If we not TAK WYGLADA PRZECZENIE W PRESENT SIMPLE? leave now, we’ll miss the last train.

The manager is talking to an important customer at the moment but he is free to see you presently=WKROTCE, A WIEC ZLY CZAS. Would you like to take a seat for a few seconds -SECONDS? :-)?

I know I ought have written to you before, but I have been so busy recently that I have TO ROWNIEZ DOTYCZY OSTATNIO no time for writing letters. I will telephone PO CO MA TELEFONOWAC, SKORO TERAZ ROZMAWIAJA? TO NIE MOZE ODNOSIC SIE DO PRZYSZLOSCI you instead but I forgot your numer<-ORTOGR.

When I lat have seen NIE him, he has lived NIE in London WIDZIALES GO W OKRESLONYM MOMENCIE W CZASIE. He told me then that he was thinking of emigration<-TO NIE JEST FORMA CZASOWNIKA to Australia, and he may well has<-ZLA FORMA done so by now.

I am ver excited at the prospect of going skiing. It was BEZ SENSU, SKORO PIEWRWSZE ZDANIE W TERAZNIEJSZYM the first time I ZLY CZAS tried . I think there is nothing like skiing for making a holiday more enjoyable.
I wish you ZLY CZAS let me know you weren’t able to come TO dinner. I certainly wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble if I had known.

He said he did not want to see this film as he heard KIEDY? W TYM SAMYM MOMENCIE, KIEDY TO MOWIL? that it is NASTEPSTWO CZASOW not as good as critics suggested.
w 3. ''i needn't had to borrow?''
poczytaj o 'perfect infinitive'
i needn't to have borrowed?
Ad 1. it IS clear that...
po "might" nigdy samo 'stood' -> might HAVE STOOD
Ad 2. I wish you HAD told me {to się już zdarzyło} last week that you areWERE coming [albo raczej: CAME]to London.
(...) you wouldn’t have stayedHAD TO stay in a hotel. {masz dostosować "have to" - "nie musiałbyś był nocować..."}
Ad 3. Why didn’t you tellHADN'T you TOLD me you could lend the money? ->zaprzeszłośc do faktu pożyczenia
I needn’t HAVE borrowed it from the bank. -> znowu błąd tak jak z 'might'
Ad 4. It had underwentGONE thorough testing...
undergo-> underwent-> undergone (imiesłów bierny)
Ad 5. If we DO not [DON'T] leave now, we’ll miss the last train.
Ad 6. ... You’ve been WERE? I think...

Aaa, widzę że masz już odp. to reszte sobie daruję. Choć w jednym zdaniu 'mg' przeoczył 'have to'
edytowany przez argazedon: 11 wrz 2013
lepiej Ci? Pokazaleś, co umiesz; szkoda, że nie dałeś mu szansy odkryć czegoś samodzielnie. Po co w ogóle wpisywałem podpowiedzi? Strata czasu
Dałem. Dużo błędów zrobił przez niechlujstwo, nie brak wiedzy. Ale twój sposób lepszy, to fakt. No i ja też mam błędy jak widzę :-)
edytowany przez argazedon: 11 wrz 2013
wcale nie stata czasu drogi mg z podpowiedziami i bardzo za nie dziekuje. mam jeszcze jedno pytanie odniosnie ostatniego przykladu. Czy jest ok ''He said he didn't want to see this film as he has heard that it was not as good as critics suggested''? Bo sam już nie wiem
''He said he didn't want to see this film as he has heard <-to ma odniesienie do terazniejszosci, a msz powiedziec 'slyszal to zanim powiedzial" that it was not as good as critics suggested''
he said he didn't want to see this film as he had heard that it was not as good as critics suggested?

dobrze? :(
tak, teraz dobrze.
I had been telephoning you instead but I forgot yor number. ( II część przykladu nr8) jest okej? To już ostatnie pytanie, żeby Cię nie męczyć :D
edytowany przez poliglota67: 11 wrz 2013
Cytat: poliglota67
I had been telephoning you instead but I forgot yor number. ( II część przykladu nr8) jest okej? To już ostatnie pytanie, żeby Cię nie męczyć :D

if you have forgetten someone's number, you can't be trying to phone them, can you?
No własnie, piszesz: dzwoniłem do ciebie, ale zapomnialem numeru
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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