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Recently I’ve watched a lot of movies. One of the most interesting was Forest Gump. Although the movie is from 1994 I decided to watch it and I don’t regret. This is very interesting story about a boy whose name is Forest . He was born In a small town and he was mentally disabled. Forest couldn’t understand the world and human. When he was a young boy he wasn’t accepted by peers. He very quickly found a girl which became his first love. When he was 20 he entered the convent where he met his best friend. He fought in Vietnam and he saved a lot of people. After the war he was respected in the all USA. He played very well in ping pong and he went to New York where he won the competition. He gained fame all over the world. Forest had many hobbies he liked running. As a result of this he broke the world record in the running distance. At the end of the story he came back to his girlfriend. Unfortunately she died but he wasn’t alone he had a son whose name was also Forest. To my mind this film is very interesting but the plot would be more unpredictable.
Although the movie is from 1994 I decided to watch it and I don’t regret (tu cos brak) . This is (cos brak) very interesting story about a boy whose name is Forest . He was born in a small town and he was mentally disabled. Forest couldn’t understand the world and human (ale co? gdzie jest koniec zdania?). When he was a young boy he wasn’t accepted by (cos tu brak) peers. He very quickly found a girl 'which' (gdy o ludziach to WHO) became his first love. When he was 20 he entered the 'convent' (to jest cos ciekawego, bo wg mnie 'convent' top jest tylko dla kobiet) where he met his best friend.
After the war he was respected in 'the all' (zla kol slow) USA. He played 'very well' (w zlym miejscu) 'in' (niepotr) ping pong (v. well) and he went to New York where he won the competition (ale jaka?) .
Forest had many hobbies - he liked running. As a result of this he broke the world 'record in the' (w zlum miejscu) running distance 'record').
Unfortunately she died (przecinek przed 'but') but he wasn’t alone he had a son whose name was also Forest. To my mind this film is very interesting but the plot 'would' (to jest zle slowo tutaj, ma byc 'could') be more unpredictable.
THX terri. Is it correct now?

Recently I’ve watched a lot of movies. One of the most interesting was Forest Gump. Although the movie is from 1994 I decided to watch it and I don’t regret THAT I DID IT . This is A very interesting story about a boy whose name is Forest . He was born in a small town and he was mentally disabled. Forest couldn’t understand the world and human SO PEOPLE DIDN’T TERAT HIS SERIOUSLY. When he was a young boy he wasn’t accepted by THE peers. He very quickly found a girl WHO became his first love. When he was 20 he JOINDE TO THE ARMY where he met his best friend.
After the war he was respected NATIONWIDE. He played ping pong VERY WELL and he went to New York where he won the PING PONG competition’s.
Forest had many hobbies - he liked running. As a result of this he broke the world running distance RECORD.
Unfortunately she died ,but he wasn’t alone he had a son whose name was also Forest. To my mind this film is very interesting but the plot COULD be more unpredictable.
Forest couldn’t understand the world and human SO PEOPLE DIDN’T 'TERAT HIS' (treat him) SERIOUSLY. When he was a young boy he wasn’t accepted by 'THE' (tutaj chialam 'his') peers. When he was 20 he 'JOINDE TO THE ARMY' (nie, tutaj ...'joined the army') where he met his best friend.
He played ping pong VERY WELL and he went to New York where he won the PING PONG 'competition’s'. (cos tu nie tak, albo 'ping pong competitions - l. mnoga, albo 'a' ping pong competition-l. poj)

Dzięki :) Jeszcze kilka pytań dla jasności.
Ale może być THE PEERS (?) po w sumie potraktowałem to jako grupa ludzi tak jak np. jest The rich, the blind etc. Dlaczego JOINED (TO) THE ARMY - chodzi mi dlaczego bez TO.

A i jeszcze jedno bo powtarzając gramatyke natknąłem się na stronie w czasie present simple na taki punkt odnośnie zastsowania czasu Present Simple "4. Opisywanie, streszczanie filmów, książek, itp."
Moje wypracowanie to opisywanie filmu a nie wyobrażam sobie użycia tutaj czasu teraźniejszego (?) troche mnie gnębi odpowiedź na to pytanie.
Dlaczego JOINED (TO) THE ARMY - chodzi mi dlaczego bez TO.
Joined the army, joined the group, join us etc. bez TO
ok :) a jeśli chodzi o reszte pytań odpowie mi ktoś plz?
The rich/=rich people/ ani the blind/=blind people/ to nie to samo co the peers i nie moglbys te grupy ujac z zaimkiem HIS. The peers jest poprawnie gramatycznie ale w kontekscie twojej pracy HIS peers lepiej pasuje.
ok :) TO jeszcze zostało ostanie najbardziej nurtujące mnie pytanie..
We can absolutely use present tense to talk about the past.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.