Alkohol in my culture

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Alcohol plays a big part in my culture. Unfortunatelly drinking in moderation is now considered as being old-fashioned and we hardly ever meet teetotaller. What is disturbing - underage drinking is now on the icrease. But no wonder, youngsters only follow the example which they were given by adults. The ocassion for drinkig is always: Birthdays, weddings. Discussions over methods of treating alcohol hangover and it's sympotms such as: pounding headache and nausea are very common. No compelling evidence exists to prove the efficiency of cures available on the market. The picture of groggy men staggering home aren't uncommon in Poland. Someone could say: "But the Poles aren't the ones who drink the most!" Is this kind of consolation for you? For me - it isn't.
no niestety moj angielski nie jest za dobry przyjechalam tu w wigilie i mialo byc pieknie praca i wogole.
zapomniałam dodac:) prosze o sprawdzenie:)
Nie znam dobrze angielskiego, ale na pierwszy rzut oka wygląda nieźle. Cóż, nawet tego tekstu nie rozumiem.


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