Formal letter (asking for information) - sprawdzenie poprawności gramatycznej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :)
Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności gramatycznej poniższego listu. Nie jestem mistrzem gramatyki, więc kilka błędów mogło się do listu wkraść. Z góry dziękuję :)

Imagine you are interested in booking the Murder Mystery Tour. Plan a formal letter to Mr Clarke. Ask for information about these aspects of the holiday:
- meeting time and meeting place.
- costumes for the weekend event and acting involved.
- cost of meals and availability of vegetarian meals.
- reduced prices for students and for sharing rooms.

Dear Mr Clarke,
I am very interested in booking the Murder Mystery Tours, but would be grateful if you could give me some more information about some aspects of the holiday.
I'd like to know which place in London we will meet, so I can look at map. Could you please let me know what time we will meet. Could you tell me what costumes take for the weekend event, and also in which acting we will be involved? I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how much meals costs. Please let me know whether vegetarian meals will be available. I'd like to know if there are reduced prices for students, and also I'd be interesting in knowing if there are reduced prices for sharing rooms.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

it would be grateful
meet (zle slowo)
i can look at (przedimek) map, cos dalej?
what costumes take - źle
(przedimek) meals cost
i'd be interesting (zle, przeciez napisales dobrze wczesniej)
sharing rooms - zle
would be grateful jest w odniesieniu do poczatkowego "I", ktore, imo, powinno być powtorzone.
Ja bym sie spytal GDZIE i kiedy /spotkac sie/, zamiast w ktorym miejscu i ujal to w jednym zdaniu.
Nie wiem co poprzedni forumowicz:) mial na mysli piszac meet (zle slowo);)
I am very interested in booking the Murder Mystery Tours, 'but' (ja tu widze slowo 'and' zamiast 'but') would be grateful if you could give me some more information about some aspects of the holiday.
I'd like to know 'which place' (zle pojecie) in London we 'will' (za silne, tutaj 'would') meet, so I can look at (a gdzie przedimek?) map. Could you please let me know what time we ARE 'will' (niepotr) TO meet. Could you tell me what costumes (tu brak 3 slowa) take for the weekend event, and also 'in which acting' (tego nie rozumiem) we will be involved?
I'd ALSO appreciate 'it' (niepotr) if you could tell me how much (brak przedimka) meals (cos brak) costs. Please let me know whether vegetarian 'meals' (dalabym slowo 'options') 'will' (would) be available.
I'd like to know if there are reduced prices for students, and also I'd be 'interesting' (zla czesc mowy) in knowing if there are reduced prices for 'sharing' (zle) rooms.

wg mnie za duzo tego 'I'd like" na poczatku zdan...moze innego cos trzeba poszukac.
terri's right (regards by the way!). The sentence "I'd like to know blah blah blah" can be expressed, for instance in the form of a question, like: 'are there reduced prices for students?', and so on.
Tak, zbyt wiele " I'd like, I'd like .." I set myself wait impatiently to be told least 'etc..ale to chyba nie ten " register ':)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 16 lis 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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