go through

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Czy tu jedno 'także' jest za dużo, czy mozna też tak pisać?
'...but we also have to do education as well.'

2. leap on sb - wskoczyc na kogoś, prawda?

3. Co tu znaczy go through?
'He was on the dance floor dancing like a manic. I had to go over and say, 'What are you going through?'" he laughs.'
co przechodzisz /przeżywasz/?
tak, maniAc miało być
1. >> '...but we also have to do education as well.'
lepiej bez 'also', mozna znalezc przyklady w prasie anglojezycznej ale nie ma potrzeby robic taki 'double marking'

2. leap on sb/sth - bez blizszego kontekstu mozna powiedziec 'rzucic sie ( nawet skoczyc) na kogos lub cos

"You will not see the Werewolf leap on the man and in one fluid motion tear out his throat."
"It also appeared that I was not yet courageous enough to leap on Betty's breasts. On the other hand, I might..."
"Which direction shall I go # to leap on them and glut myself with bones and flesh..."
"Allie was not too old to leap on his back.

3. "Drag queens speak their own language", huh:)) moze w sense 'Are you practicing for some jitterbug or something?, a moze to co fui powiedzial
edytowany przez savagerhino: 18 lis 2013
Dzięki! ;)