Proszę o pomoc (uzupełnij dwie luki)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 41
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1. .....................speech reform tries to change language in order to eliminate racist, sexist, ageist and other derogatory vocabulary.
2. Different religious groups, at some point or another, have been victims of religious ........., as for example during the Crusades or World War 2.

Proszę chociaż po polsku jakieś podpowiedzi ?
w drugim violent?
2 violent to jest przymiotnik, a tu chodzi o rzeczownik.
w 1 pasuje np. the
3. Actually, Joanna does not believe in the existence of God at all, she is an ....... through and through.

na to nie mam pomysłu;/
jak się nazywa ten co nie wierzy w boga?
4. Jack is very .............supporter - he comes out to every game played by mu , and believe it or not, he even comes out to watch the team practise.

devoted supporter ?
tak, devoted
ale brakuje przedimka nie wiem dlaczego
gdzie brakuje przedimka?
albo może unfaithful bo jest "an "
przedimka brakuje w 4
w 3 jest slowo, ktore znasz takze z polskiego
5.Anti-euthanasia activits believe that the ........... theory has been confirmed in Holland. They say that once doctors are given the power to assist suicide, it becomes impossible to restrict that power and many religions are broken.
nie wpadne na coś innego w 3;/
6. She was very strong in her moral ...... and would not allow for anyone to pull the plug on her brother when he was fatally injured in a motorbike accident and was in a coma for three months. She was certain that nobody had the right to take his life, especially since he had been given another chance and brought into hospital in time for surgery, which saved his life.

moral values?
no a jak się nazywa osoba niewierząca w żadnego boga?
słowo na a
aaa wiem atheist ?
7. His father .............. last year at the age of 65, and when he did, his company gave him a golden watch as a thank-you present for years of dedication to his job and co-workers. Now, he is as happy as Larry looking after his grandchildren and the backyard.

tu też nie bardzo wiem
przeszedł na emeryture
as happy as a lark?
pracowal, a teraz juz nie pracuej
i dostal zegarek od firmy
to co zrobil?
nie wiem ;/ po polsku jak?
czemu nie chcesz sprawdzić w słowniku?
czego nie chce sprawdzić ? nie wiem co mam sprawdzic..
przejść na emeryturę ...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 41
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