list motywacyjny

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy kotoś może sprawidzić mójlist motywacyjny- z góry dziękuję!
Nie jest onadresowany do konkretnego pracodawcy lecz do agencji pracy wieć chyba taki początek może być?
To whom it may cocnern.

I am writynig to apply for a position of waitress.

As you can see form my enclosed CV I have over three years or experience in work at hotel.
I have been working in a three stars hotel as a barmaid, waitress and also as a receptionist.
This experiecne made me acquainted with serving quest and helped to improve my english skills.
I am responsible and reliable person. I can deal with stresfull situations easily.
I also possess good inter- personal abilities.
I know that this job would give me a lot of satisfaction and possibilities to get know a different culture.
I belive that my knowledge and experience will make me a valuable and effective worker.

I should meantion that I am available to attend an interview at any time which might be convenient.
Please do not hestitate to contact me if you need any further informatio.

Your Sincerelly.
tak na szybkiego:
na poczatku napisz raczej "dear sir/madam" no i na koncu yours faithfully, bo nie znasz nazwiska
-the position of a waitress
-at a hotel
- I am a responsible and reliable person ( i raczej napisz: i consider myself to be a ... brzmi lepiej)
- get to know
poza tym miejscami przyczepilabym sie kolokwializmow, poszukaj czegos lepszego na pn. know.
jak cos rpzegapilam, to sorki


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