sprawdzenie zadania: pytania :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Correct the wrong questions.

1.Where you usually go on holiday?
wg. mnie Where do you usually go on holiday?
2.Haven't you done the homework?
Have you done the homework?
3.What did happen at the meeting yesterday?
What happened at the meeting yesterday?
4. Who is Jack going out with?
Who is Jack going out with?
5.How much far is to the station?
How far is to the station?
6.How many people did come to your party?
How many people did come to your party?
7. Whose Jacket did you borrow for the weeding?
Whose Jacket did you borrow for the weeding?
8. Why James is driving your car?
(nie mam pojecia)
9. Excuse me. Can you tell me where are the toilets?
(nie mam pojecia)
10. How much time have you been learning English?
How much time have you been learning English?
2 niepotrzebna zmiana
5 wyrzuc jeszcze jedno slowo
6 taki sam problem jak w 3
7 ktoś odchwaszczał w marynarce?
8 hm, coś Ci się poprzestawiało, tzn. nie poprzestawiało
9 bez inwersji w mowie zaleznej
10 how long
5. How far is to station?
6.How many people came to your party?
7. Whose Jacket you borrowed for the weeding?
8.Why James is driving your car?
9.Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets are?
10.How long have you been learning English?

Teraz dobrze?
5 nie
6 ok
7 w pierwszej wersji pytanie bylo ok, ale zle napisalas ostatnie slowo
8 nic nie zmienilas
9 ok
10 ok
8. Why is James driving your car? (nie jestem pewny)
9. Możnaby dać "Could you tell me..."
10. How long have you been...