prośba o sprawdzenie zadania - czasy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Jodie had cleaned/cleaned her room before she invited/had invited the guests.
2. My mother had been born/was born in Italy but her family had/had had to move out due to military operations.
3. I would help/would have help you with the paperwork, if only you told/'d told me about it earlier.
4. She was/had been overjoyed because she just heard/'d just heard that her sister 'd graduated/graduated with honours from Cambridge.
5. Harry has been/was already late, so he ate/has eaten a quick breakfast, took/has taken a shower and headed/has headed to the office.
6. I always dreamed/'ve always dreamed about being a singer, but 've become/became a shop assistant instead.
7. He 's been/was in coma since the accident, but his relatives still believe/'ve believed that he 'll wake/wakes up.
8. Yesterday, I recieved/'ve recieved a new TV set which I 'd ordered/'ve ordered only a day before.
9. Once we 'd arrived/arrive at the airport, we had to/have to make sure we 've packed/packed everything.
10. When I was/'d been a child, my grandfather would tell/would've told me scary stories if I didn't want/haven't wanted to go to bed on time.

Ostatniego zdania w ogóle nie rozumiem i nic mi tam nie pasuje, dlatego nic nie zaznaczyłem.

Bardzo proszę o odpowiedź :)
edytowany przez dodge51: 13 sty 2014
zadanko z wieloma mozliwosciami w niejednym ze zdan
podam takie odpowiedzi, ktore beda 'bezpieczne'

1. Jodie had cleaned her room before she invited the guests.
2. My mother was born in Italy but her family had had to move out due to military operations.
3. I would would have helped you with the paperwork, if only you 'd told me about it earlier.
4. She was overjoyed because she 'd just heard that her sister 'd graduated with honours from Cambridge.
5. Harry was already late, so he ate a quick breakfast, took a shower and headed to the office.
6. I always dreamed about being a singer, but became a shop assistant instead.
7. He 's been in coma since the accident, but his relatives still believe that he 'll wake up.
8. Yesterday, I recieved a new TV set which I 'd ordered only a day before.
9. Once we arrive at the airport, we have to make sure we 've packed everything.
10. When I was a child, my grandfather would tell me scary stories if I didn't want to go to bed on time.
ja bym w 2 dał dwa razy past simple
faktycznie, bedzie lepsze z dwoma past simple
Dziękuję bardzo!


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