Witam :)
Muszę napisać pewien tekst do szkoły, mianowicie tekst na temat mojego ulubionego zespołu. Chciałabym się dowiedzieć, czy popełniłam w nim jakieś błędy i w miarę możliwoścci prosiłabym o ich ewentualne poprawienie :)
Hurts' carrer had started in very weird way. Adam and Theo had made a song and then, they'd decided to make a video for it. They hadn't had much money, so they'd decided to make a video in their home. They'd hired a woman, whos only obligation was showing her face and dancing. She was really pretty and it emerged, that their cooperation had been a good idea. But then, suddenly, woman had just disappeared. They've met her once from this time - she has played in Hurts' video for song "All I want for Christmas is new year's day".
Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :)