Historia zespołu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :)
Muszę napisać pewien tekst do szkoły, mianowicie tekst na temat mojego ulubionego zespołu. Chciałabym się dowiedzieć, czy popełniłam w nim jakieś błędy i w miarę możliwoścci prosiłabym o ich ewentualne poprawienie :)

Hurts' carrer had started in very weird way. Adam and Theo had made a song and then, they'd decided to make a video for it. They hadn't had much money, so they'd decided to make a video in their home. They'd hired a woman, whos only obligation was showing her face and dancing. She was really pretty and it emerged, that their cooperation had been a good idea. But then, suddenly, woman had just disappeared. They've met her once from this time - she has played in Hurts' video for song "All I want for Christmas is new year's day".

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :)
po pierwsze; czemu ciagle uzywasz past perfect?
W sumie nie wiem. Tak naprawde nasza nauczycielka dopiero go nam wprowadziła i stwierdziła, żebyśmy go często używały, żeby w jakiś tam sposób urozmaicić tekst. Nie do końcca jednak wyjaśniła, KIEDY go używać :/
Cytat: Minniefy
W sumie nie wiem. Tak naprawde nasza nauczycielka dopiero go nam wprowadziła i stwierdziła, żebyśmy go często używały, żeby w jakiś tam sposób urozmaicić tekst. Nie do końcca jednak wyjaśniła, KIEDY go używać :/

dobre : D

jak opisujesz wydarzenia jedno po drugim zaczynając od jakiegoś (tak jak w Twoim przypadku) to używasz tylko past simple, wiecej tutaj https://www.ang.pl/gramatyka/czas/past_perfect
Dziękuję bardzo ;) poprawię tekst na past simple ;)
Hurts' carrer started in very weird way. Adam and Theo made a song and then, they wanted to make a video for it. They hadn't got much money, so they'd decided to make it in their home. They hired a woman, whose only obligation was showing her face and dancing. She was really pretty and it emerged, that their cooperation was a good idea. But then, suddenly, woman disappeared. They met her once from this time - she played in Hurts' video for song "All I want for Christmas is new year's day".

Czy teraz jest lepiej?
Cytat: Minniefy
PRZ Hurts' carrer started in PRZ very weird way. Adam and Theo made a song and then,<-USUN PRZECINEK they wanted to make a video for it. They hadn't got ZLY CZAS much money, so they'd ZLT CZAS decided to make it in their home. They hired a woman, whose only obligation was TO SHOW her face and dancing. She was really pretty and it emerged, USUN PRZECINEK that their cooperation was a good idea. But then, suddenly, PRZ woman disappeared. They met her once from this time ZLY CZAS, BO CHODZI O TO, ZE SPOTKALI JA JEDEN RAZ DO TERAZ - she played in PRZ Hurts' video for PRZ song "All I want for Christmas is new year's day".

Czy teraz jest lepiej?
The Hurts' carrer started in very weird way. Adam and Theo made a song and then they wanted to make a video for it. They didn't have much money, so they decided to make it in their home. They hired a woman, whose only obligation was to show her face and dancing. She was really pretty and it emerged that their cooperation was a good idea. But then, suddenly, a woman disappeared. They've met her once from this time - she played in a Hurts' video for the song "All I want for Christmas is new year's day".

Może to będzie ostateczna wersja? ;)
Ogólnie zawsze miałam wielki problem przedimkiami i nigdy niee wiem, gdzie, kiedy i jakie stawiać :/
brak przedimka w pierwszym zdaniu
lepiej: at home
to dance
jakas kobieta zniknela
present perfect ok, ale nie bedzie 'from'
the Hurts' video

a probowalas zrozumiec przedimki?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.