Opinion Essay
Do you agree that the best things in life are free? Decide if you agree or disagree
Best things are for each one person different that connects with our personality. This mean high value thing can be important for someone in life and at the same time be void for other person. We were so created but we are aware that cash is the inseparable matter of our civilization. The way I see it, best thing in life are do not free.
In the First place I am going to confirm my opinion. Almost all thing in life are not free, it depends. If we want go somewhere it require money from us it is normal. Worse thing cost less money than better. In the internet gratuitous software allows to do very nice results but If we want to do excellent work we need to pay to buy wonderful software for wonderful results.
Furthermore things which should be free, truly are not free. I am talking about love, relationship or family. Need to put solid foundations beneath that to build a really good thing. Naturally that require dedication, time and small bunch of money. We need to have place where we can live, food for eat and money for their education for well raise your children. In general time is money.
On the other hand we have two major free things in the world that are emotions and beauty of nature. Love is free, unfathomable and the most beautiful feel in the world. Nobody know when it will happens to him and what that would cause. Love itself comes and goes completely free and can completely change person.
To sum up best thing in life for each one person are very important. Some people cannot be happy things that cash release. In my point of view unhappy people are not ready and not able to love overall fullness. No charge emotions comes to us every day but You need to watch, sometimes only price for love can be suffering.