Past Simple / Past Continous

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o poprawienie i ukierunkowanie na błedy popełnione w uzupełnianiu zdań w czasy Past simple/Continuous.

1. When they got the top , it was beginning to rain.
2. What was he doing yesterday at this time?
3. When unexpectedly came in, his secretary was knitting.
4. As Jane was having a bath, she heard a knock at the door.
5. When I saw her, she was talking to her boss.
6. She didn’t know about the car accident which had happened the day…
7. I’m sorry, but my friends was not cheating during the exam, they looked at their books.
8. Were you listening to music when Fred arrived?
9. I swear, did not break it., it wasn’t me.
10. When I came to Mark’s house, he was reading a book and his wife was cooking.
11. Did you like the book which I gave you?
edytowany przez grzywa92: 08 lut 2014
1 nie
3 czasy ok, ale brakuje czegos
7 nie
9 czasy ok, ale czegos brakuje
1. began - ale dlaczego?
3. zdanie moze byc niepelne
7. cheated/ was looking?
9. nie mam pojęcia :)
edytowany przez grzywa92: 08 lut 2014
7 nie zmieniaj czasów, po prostu naucz sie ich używać dobrze
8 myśl
7. were not cheating :)
and were looking
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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