Dear Mrs Brones
I'm very grateful for your email. I'm really happy that I'm comming to you and I could meet you.
I'm arriving at Stansted airport on 22 June at 7.30. My flieght number is WS02998. I will be wearing ( dressed in) a red t-shirt and blue jeans. I'm leaving on 18 August at 11.45. I eat almost everythings except eggs and pasta. I'd like to my own room if it isn't a problem. I'd like to vist London in particular city center. I like history and art and I heard that the British Museum is realy great so I'd like to visit it.
I don't know exactly where do you live, could you give me the address. It is in the case if we don't meet at the airport.
Looking forward to your email and say hallo to rest of your family.
Best wishes Krystian
PS. I enclose my photo for you too. It is my phone number +48n 765765765