Modale - pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam miałbym prośbę o rozwiązanie tych kilku przykładów ,nie było mnie ostatnio na zajęciach i kompletnie nie wiem jak się zabrać za nie :(

Ask for the underlined part of the sentence
1. She was waiting for Tom.
2. There was little milk in the fridge.
3. He hardly ever meets his friends in a cafe.
4. Tome and Peter have worked together for 20 years.
5. They should learn foreign languages.
6. They had come by ship.
7. My sister is seeing Mrs. Jones on Saturday
8. He was 15 when he went abroad for the first time.
brak Twoich rozwiazan = brak pomocy
No więc zrobiłem trochę przykładów :) Można teraz prosić o sprawdzenie?

1.She was waiting for Tom.
Who was she waiting for?

2.There was little milk in the fridge.
How much milk was in the fridge?

3.He hardly ever meets his friends in a cafe.
Where does he hardly even meet his friends?

4. Tome and Peter have worked together for 20
How long have Tom and Peter worked together?

5.They should learn foreign languages.
What should they learn?

6.They had come by ship.
How had they come?

7. My sister is seeing Mrs. Jones on Saturday.
When is your sister seeing Mrs. Jones?

8.He was 15 when he went abroad for the
first time.
How old was he when he went abroad for the first time?

9. There are twenty people in the classroom.
How many people are in the classrom?

10.They saw that film last summer.
When did they see that film?

11.His car will be repaired on Friday.
When will his car be repaired?

12.They have been asked three questions.
How many questions have they been asked?

13. The teacher read Tom’s homework.
Who read Tom's homework?

14.She married him because he was very rich.
Why did she marry him?

15.She eats an apple every evening.
What does she eat every evening?

16.These biscuits cost 2 pounds.
How much are these biscuits?
How much do these biscuits cost?

17.Charles often talks about his travels abroad.
What does Charles often talk about?

18. We can have the tae in the garden today
Where can we have the tea?
w 2 i 9 brak podmiotu w pytaniu (podmiot to jest pierwsze slowo w zdaniu oznajmujacym)
pozostale ok
2.There was little milk in the fridge.
How much milk there was in the fridge?

9. There are twenty people in the classroom.
How many people there are in the classrom?

Tak? :)
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 27 lut 2014
Dziękuje bardzo :)

...was there...

...are there...
A :

Arrange the word into questions:

1. country / born / husband / which / was / in / your / ?
In which country your husband was born ?

2. earned / for / this money / what / have / you / ?

What have you earned this money for?

3. going / Australia / they / to/ to / are / move / why / ?

Why are they going to move to Australia?

4. work / what / his cousins / do company / for / ?

What his cousins - i to nie wiem co dalej :(
1 zly szyk
4 w jakiej firmie
1 . In which country was born your husband ? Nie wiem czy dobrym tropem idę.

4 . What his cousins do for company work?
1 nie, tylko operator 'was' bedzie przedpodmiotem, czasownik glowny za podmiotem

4 rozdzieliles 'jakiej' i 'firmie'. zastanow sie tez nad pozycja 'for'
Tam nie ma oddzielenia między DO i COMPANY w 4?
Ja bym napisał tak w tych punktach:

2.There was little milk in the fridge.
How much milk was there in the fridge?

5.They should learn foreign languages.
What should do they learn?

7. My sister is seeing Mrs. Jones on Saturday.
When is my sister seeing Mrs. Jones?

9. There are twenty people in the classroom.
How many people are there in the classrom?

[13. The teacher read Tom’s homework.
Who read Tom's homework?]

nie powinno być The teacher reads?
nie powinno być The teacher reads?
nie w past tense;)
a, faktycznie :)

widzę że pozostałe już się wyjaśniły, została jeszcze jedna wątpliwość:

5.They should learn foreign languages.
What should they learn?


What should do they learn?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.