Wielka prośba o sprawdzenie testu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić ten test? z góry bardzo dziękuje
może ktoś sprawdzić mi test? ;)
1.He hardly...b..... any work
a) doesn't do b) hasn't done c) does d) has done
2. Young people talk very loudly..a.. makes their parents mad.
a) what b)that c) it d) which
3. An average family has ...a... children now than before the war.
a) less b) fewer c) many d) little
4. Didn't you..b... play tennis?
a) used to b) get used to c) use to d) to use
5. If John weren't rich he..b.... every holiday in expensive Vegas
a) would spend b) wouldn't spend c) will spend d) wouldn't have spent
6. The King ...b.. lunch when the bomb attack started.
a) is having b) was having c) has d) has had
7. I have lost 7 kilos..a.. I started to jog every moring.
a) since b) for c) from time d) until
8. None of his classmates ...d.. to visit him in hospital so far.
a) has come b) is coming c) came d) hasn't come
9. I can see that you are not enjoying the party. Don't worry we ...a.... stay very long
a) don't have to b)mustn't c) couldn't d) could
10. According to the timetable the bus ....a at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
a) is going to arrive b) is arriving c) arrives d) has arrived
11. Excuse me. Do I.c... fill in this form?
a) must b) am able to c) have to d) allowed to
12. Unfortunately I wasn't able to buy the shirt I wanted because I..c.. enough money with me.
a)wasn't taking b) hadn't taken c) hasn't taken d)were taking
13. I .c... there by plane if I were you.
a) I'd fly b) must fly c) will fly d) had flown
14. You father will never ....b.... you drive his car.
a) let b) allow c) permit d) encourage
15. She won't be able to understand the speakers unless..c...... interpreter at the conference.
a) there is b) there won't be c) there will be d) there had been.
16. Who..d.. the office with your brother?
a) does share b) shares c) share d) are going to share
17. Michael ....a....poem won the competition last year , received a fantastic prize.
a) whose b) who c) whom d) which
18. You'll get a good mark in the exam if you...a...
a) didn't get nervous b) don't get nervous c) won't get nervous d) will get nervous
19. I used to...b.... speak a bit of Russian but I've forgotten it all.
a) be able to b) can c) could d) have
20. Who..a... this book from?
a) borrowed you b) did you borrow c) did you lend d) lend
21. What ....a... between 4:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.?
a) did you to b) were you doing c) you were doing d) did you
22. There were ...a... people at the party
a) plenty of b) a few of c) lots d) a lot
Naliczyłem przeszło pół źle i mnie znudziło. W niektórych robisz bardzo proste błedy, np w zdaniu z I /ja/ dajesz odpowiedź z has/hasn't. To chyba rozumiesz;)/?/
edytowany przez fui_eu: 30 maj 2014
ja to juz dobrze poprzwilam w innym watku. Prosze nie zaczynac nowych watkow, jak juz teksty sa poprawione.
edytowany przez Domcia1: 31 maj 2014


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