Fill in the blanks with a suitable word or phrase, using passive voice.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Shakespeare........but also many sonnets.
2. The winner.........of taking dopes and......
3. She..............many doctors, but none of them.....her.
? She has been examined by many doctors, but none of them helped her.
4. I.................the news that your brother..............the job.
5. My attention...................small box which...................on my desk.
? My attention was being paid for a small box which was lying on my desk.
6. The problem.......................tomorrow's meeting if...........all members.
7. Two kids are...............while the school was................
8. The film...................very late, that's why it..........................many people.
? The film finished very late, that's why it hasn't been watched by many people.
9. The alarm system..............after the shop.................
? Alarm system turned on after the shop was being robbed.
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