Czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić mi tą pracę i ewentualnie poprawić błędy? :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My dream job is have my own business. At the moment I`m really into horse riding so I'd love to have my own stud of horses. Every year I'm going to riding camps and I would like to be a organisator of the project like this. I would organise a camp for children with disabilities. They`re really need them - contact with animals allows them to calm down.
I know that my dream job is very hard, but this job is needed. At the moment I don/t have a lot of experience in teaching riding and looking after disabled children, but I hope that after my studying it will change.
In my stable I would like to have arabian horses and carpathian horse. They're very intelligent and strong.
I hope that in the future I can fulfill these dreams.
Cytat: ___
My dream job is BRAK SLOWA have my own business. At the moment I`m really into horse riding so I'd love to have my own stud of horses. Every year I'm INNY CZAS going to riding camps and I would like to be a organisator <-TO SLOWO BRZMI INACZEJ PO ANGIELSKU of the<-JEDYNY NA SWIECIE? NAJLEPIEJ LICZBA MNOGA project like this. I would organise a camp for children with disabilities. They`re really need SĄ NAPRAWDĘ POTRZEBUJĄ them - contact with animals allows them to calm down.
I know that my dream job is very hard, but this job is needed. At the moment I don/t have a lot of experience in teaching riding and looking after disabled children, but I hope that after my studying STUDIES it will change.
In my stable I would like to have arabian WIELKA LITERA horses and carpathian TEŻ horse JEDEN? A GDZIE PRZEDIMEK?. They're very intelligent and strong.
I hope that in the future I can fulfill these dreams.