Praca pisemna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, prosiłbym o sprawdzenie kilku zdań czy ma to sens logiczny i ew. korektę:

People from the dawn of the history through their work tried to know objectively the reality. They applied all the available measures in order to control and transform the world that they currently lived in.
People from the dawn of the history through their work tried to know objectively the reality. They applied all the available measures in order to control and transform the world that they currently lived in.Nowadays, this process is visible to a greater extent than ever before, so that we become witnesses of the crossing by man next boundaries.
Dla mnie wyglada za bardzo 'sztuczne'.

People from the dawn of 'the' (niepotr) history through their (tutaj napisalabym jaki to byl work?) work tried to 'know' (za niskie slowo - moze 'discover' albo cos podobnego) objectively the reality (ale czego? musisz dokonczyc zdanie). They applied all the available measures in order to control and transform the world that they 'currently' (to jest zle slowo) lived in. Nowadays, this process is visible to a greater extent than ever before, so that we become witnesses of 'the crossing by' (to jest w zlym miejscu) man (daj tutaj ..crossing the) next boundaries.
Ogromnie dziękuję ;-)

Proszę sprawdzić teraz, jeśli mógłbym o to prosić, oraz mały komentarz do "Dla mnie wyglada za bardzo 'sztuczne'."

People from the dawn of history through their observations and analysis (work) [chociaż to słowo "work" teraz kompletnie nie pasuje, więc pewnie je usunę) tried to discover objectively the reality of the world around them. They applied all the available measures in order to control and transform the world that they lived in. Nowadays, this process is visible to a greater extent than ever before, so that we become witnesses of man crossing the next boundaries.
I kolejna część:
"There is no doubt that we are entering an era in which humanity will achieve real possibilities of interference in the processes of life, and perhaps would like to improve nature, which seems to them not altogether perfect, and above all not quite her subordination."
'People from the dawn of history' (to mozna zaczac inaczej...From the dawn of history...tutaj wprowadzasz czytajacego w temat, juz on wie, ze bedzie cos co laczy sie z 'big bang',m bo jak zaczynasz z 'people' to tak jakos nijako - nie jestesmy tyle zainteresowani 'people' co 'dawn of history') through their (napisz jakie) observations and analysis (work- mozna tutaj dac 'comparisons, experiments - cos w tym rodzaju) tried to discover objectively the reality of the world around them. They applied all the available measures (ale jakie to byly? napisz..such as X and Y and Z) in order to control and transform the world that they lived in. Nowadays, this (napisz jaki - transformation, experimental - cos takiego) process is visible to a greater extent than ever before, so that 'we' (nie za bardzo lubie jak uzywa sie 'we' - bo ja sie w to nie wliczam - lepiej napisac bezosobowo - it is possible to) become witnesses of man crossing the next boundaries.
"There is no doubt that 'we' (wyrzuc to slowo i daj tutaj 'humanity' - jak sie czyta tak jak zdanie jest to jest taki podzial, tu jestesmy 'we' a gdzies tam daleko 'humanity' a przeciez chodzi o to, ze to wlasnie 'to humanity') 'are entering an era in which humanity' (teraz pomyslalam, to moze doubt that humanity is entering an era where it is likely that it ) will achieve real possibilities of interference in the processes of life (w jaki sposob - co znaczy slowo 'intereference' tutaj), and perhaps would like to 'improve nature'(musisz dokladnie napisac, co rozumiesz przez slowo 'nature') which seems to them not altogether perfect, and above all not quite 'her' (czy to odnosi sie do nature - bo jest za daleko, i troche gubiace sens) 'subordination' (zla forma mowy)
Żeby nie robić zamieszania to do tej części jeszcze się odniosę tutaj, a potem już tak jak ustaliliśmy.
-interference miałoby oznaczać ingerować
-nature raczej w ogólnym znaczeniu to wszystko w dalszej części będzie bardziej szczegółowo objaśnione, to tylko wstęp
-her odnosi się do 'nature'
-subjugate brzmiałoby lepiej? w znaczeniu "ujarzmić"/podporządkować?
edytowany przez derchampion: 19 sie 2014
chyba lepiej brzmiałoby subjugated niż subordinated, prawda?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.




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