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It was an especially dark and cold night. A 18 year-old student from nearby high school, named Matthew hadn't even expected that this bitterly cold night would bring him an unbelievably great fame. All what happened was thanks to his tremendous courage.
That evening Matt was spending in a club with his frends celebrating one of the friends' birthday. Having eaten a little cake and drunk a few drinks Matt felt sick and decided to go home immediately. As he was picking the way through the crowd, he ran into his sister and subconsciously asked to give him her pepper spray. He went out and managed to go as fast as he only could towards his house. After a few minutes Matthew ecountered some obstacles. All of a sudden he heard a voice of a screaming woman behind. He turned around at once but he couldn't see anything because the noise was coming from the top [...]
'A' (wg mnie tutaj ma byc 'an') 18 year-old student from (przedimek) nearby high school, named Matthew hadn't even expected that this bitterly cold night would bring him 'an' (niepotr) unbelievably great fame.
That evening Matt was 'spending' (ujmij to inaczej, to gryzie jak czerwona mrowka) in a club with his 'frends' (ortog) celebrating one of the 'friends'' (nie, tutaj byl jeden friend to friend's) birthday.
As he was 'picking' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) the way through the crowd, he ran into his sister and subconsciously asked HER to give him her pepper spray. He went out and managed to go as fast as he 'only' (niepotr) could towards his house.
All of a sudden he heard 'a' (nie, tutaj THE) voice of a screaming woman behind HIM. He turned around at once (przecinek przed 'but') but he couldn't see anything because the noise was coming from the top
Dziekuje terri :)

1. A jak mógłbym inaczej ująć słówko 'spend'?
2."celebrating one of the 'friends'' (nie, tutaj byl jeden friend to friend's)" . Ale przecież mówi się 'one of my friendS'. A tutaj swietowali urodziny jedno z wielu przyjaciół.
3. to 'pick' wziąłem stąd:
Ale pomyliłem sie bo nie dałem HIS way, ale 'the' chyba nie jest jakimś błędem, przynajmniej tak mi sie wydaje :)
4. a dlaczego THE voice?
1. Po pierwsze 'was spending' to dla mnie jest 'Indian English' - tutaj 'was enjoying with a group...
2."celebrating one of the 'friends'' (nie, tutaj byl jeden friend to friend's)" .
Ale przecież mówi się 'one of my friendS' - calkowicie inna bajka- tu mowisz o l. mnogiej, ja mowie o cayms innym (dopelniaczem saksonskim).
Na jednego z wielu dalej mowimy.... 'friend's birthday
3. -
4. a dlaczego THE voice? - ciekawe pytanie, na pierwszy rzut oka mnie pasowalo 'the' - ale sprawdze.
Okej, dziękuje tobie bardzo :)
bo ta dziewczyna ma tylko jeden glos
Ale na ulicy mogło być wiele przeróżnych głosów, a on usłyszał akurat jeden.
przeczytaj jeszcze raz to zdanie.
A faktycznie, bardziej sensownie brzmi z the.
Chociaż na mój poziom angielskiego tylko odrobine bardziej :)

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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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