Word formation - proszę o sprawdzenie PILNE

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Some people find a normal holiday boring and uninteresting.
The (26) /THOUGHT/….. of lying on a beach doesn’t seem THINK
(27) /ADVENTUROUS….. at all. By offering experienced travelers the ADVENTURE
opportunity to visit and explore old (28) /RELIGIOUS/…. sites, ancient RELIGION
(29) /MYSTERIOUS/ ….. temples and picturesque villages, in dramatic, MYSTERY
(30) /MOUNTAINOUS/….. regions, many travel companies are now attracting MOUNTAIN
large numbers of tourists. (31)/DESTINATIONS/ …. such as Laos, Cambodia DESTINED
and Vietnam, which have (32) /TRADITIONALISM/….. been considered places TRADITION
unsuitable for peaceful, (33)/ENJOYABLE/ …. family holiday, have now ENJOY
become very popular. Yet for those used to (34) /LUXURIOUS/…. and LUXURY
expensive (35) /ACCOMMODATION/….. these holidays may turn out to be rather ACCOMODATE
disappointed as the hotels are simple and the only (36) /TRANSPORTATION.... TRANSPORT
available is very basic indeed.
32 zle
napisales: 'ktore tradycjonalizm byly'
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 28 sty 2015