Praca domowa

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I am interested in this postition because it's a great opportunity to develop. For several years I was responsible for the administration and moderation of online forums. I am a patient and faithful person. I strongly get involved in the assigned task. Therefore, I believe that this is the perfect job for me.

Czy to jest napisane poprawnie?
niepotrzebne 'the' przed administration

Mam jeszcze pytanko, czy Pracownik Archiwum można zapisać po angielsku jako Archives Worker ??
Cytat: KotNaPlocie
I am interested in this postition because it's a great opportunity to develop. For several years I was PEWNIE PRESENT PERFECT, JEZELI TO JEST TWOJA OBECNE ZAJECIE responsible for the administration and moderation of online forums. I am a patient and faithful <-CO TO MA ZNACZYC, TO NIE JEST SLOWO UZYWANE W LISTACH MOTYWACYJNYCH person. I strongly get involved in the AM COMMITTED TO TASKS I AM assigned task. Therefore, I believe that this is the perfect job for me.

Czy to jest napisane poprawnie?
moze byc archives worker
I am interested in this postition because it's a great opportunity to develop. For several years I was responsible for administration and moderation of online forums. I am a patient and precise person.
Am commited to tasks I am assigned. I believe that this is the perfect job for me.

Co do moderacji to nie odnosi sie to już do przyszłości. Teraz jest ok??

Dziękuje za pomoc i czas!
I am committed (niepotrzebnie skreslilem 'I')
The przed administration tez moze zostac, zwlaszcza w liscie oficjalnym.

it is - nie it's
Super, bardzo dziękuje!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia za granicą