Pomóżcie mi przetłumaczyć kilka zdań z angielksiego na polski. Nie ogarniam ich sensu.
1)They resent their need for help, feeling both angry and vulnerable.
2)For example, the crisis worker may need to call a creditor or the utility company or help parents in structuring the basics of child care.
3)During a crisis, perceptions of the crisis worker’s power or authority can have a stabilizing impact on a family.
4)A family in crisis is likely to welcome an objective, skillful, and kind authority who knows how to “get things done.”
5) Offers of help from a concerned, competent crisis worker seem the answer to all the family’s difficulties.
6)The need to have someone else in charge makes these families particularly susceptible to influence from others, rendering them more vulnerable.
7)In their need to find solutions, they may not be able to discriminate between what is beneficial for them and what could be harmful or, in the absence of a competent crisis worker, to whom they should listen.
8)Consequently, community coordination in its planning and implementation results in tremendous benefits to families.
9)In a matter of weeks, families may achieve progress that is the equivalent of 1 or 2 years of traditional case management and treatment.
10)To counter a lowered self-perception, a parent in crisis may assume a facade of adequacy or arrogance, claiming that no help is needed.
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