Tekst, który służy do wymowy podczas prezentowania mojej prezentacji,

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tekst jest mojej roboty, mam nadzieję, że nie zrazi was masa błędów jakie tutaj popełniłem, oraz składnia zdań, proszę o wyrażenie opinii, co jest wg was do poprawy, z góry dziękuje!

Theme of my presentation is graphene. I will be speaking about properties, applications and how to obtain it.
Graphene is a flat structure complex with carbon atoms, connected in hexagons. It looks like honeycomb. We are seeing it now in the pictures. Graphene is thin as one atom. It is considered a structure two-dimensional. Industry is interested this material, because he has many different properties.
Graphene is almost transparent. It absorbs only 2.3 % of the light. This material is taughter and more flexible than steel. He conducts heat and electricity very well. His electrons move very quickly, so grapheme finds applications in electronics. Chemistry industry also needs grapheme, because he has bactericidal properties and he can remove radioactive contamination.
Now I will be speaking about properties this material. In the future grapheme will replace silicon in electronics, because he conducts electricity better than him. Microprocessors will be much faster. Thanks for him, people can design constructions such as cars airplanes, that will be lighter, but more durable and will be consume less fuel. This material also will be used in the energy sector as industred network. He reduces loss of energy during it is transmission. About environmental protection I was talking earlier about bactericidal properties and impermeable to gas. Last of the examples is reliable flexible gaskets. This gasket is very stron, It won’t lose her flexibility whne wheather wil be changed. Propably if it was be used in Space Shuttle Challenger, there wouldn’t be disaster.
Ok, … How we can to obtain this material. There are many methods to do this. Now, I will present a few of them. First method is mechanical detartment by means of an adhesive tape from high-quality graphite. This method is used to research applications. Next method is vapor destination of the metal. Thanks of him grapheme is much cheaper, but we have less quality. We can use to it to build touchscreens. Another way to obtain this material is production of grapheme on silcon carbide. This method allow to achieve very good quality, but this graphene is very expensive. In 2011, Polish scientists developed new technology to obtain this material, where grapheme is capturing large pieces by far the best quality. Our scientists accelerate the development of this unique product.
At the end, I wanna show you short movie that describes this material :

Tu zostanie odpalony krótki filmik.

link do prezentacji: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1C8zQ-fwSv_4sIBcLjQcPNYDHhAQY0QWp2_7iMSkVfV4/edit?usp=sharing
edytowany przez Onemoresong: 25 maj 2015
(brak przedimka - nie za dobry start) theme of my presentation is graphene. I will be speaking about (tutaj ja dalaym slowo 'its') properties, applications and how to obtain it.
It looks like(brak przedimka) honeycomb. We 'are seeing' (nie, to jest za bardzo Indian English....daj ...can see) it now in the pictures. Graphene is AS thin as one atom. It is considered TO HAVE a 'structure two-dimensional' (zla kolejnosc slow...a 2-dim. structure). Industry is interested (cos brak) this material, because he has many different properties.
This material is 'taughter' (blad ortog) and more flexible than steel. 'He' (a dlaczego nie 'she' - material to jst IT) conducts heat and electricity very well. 'His' (nie, tutaj ITS) electrons move very quickly, so grapheme finds applications in electronics. (brak przedimka) 'chemistry' (nie, tutaj chemical) industry also needs grapheme, because 'he' (dlaczego myslisz, ze to 'he' to jest IT) has 'bactericidal' (sprawdz to slowo) properties and 'he' (nie, he, tylko IT) can remove radioactive contamination.
Now I will 'be speaking about' (znowu jakies Indian English, napisz....CONSIDER/EXPLAIN the properties (brak slowa) this material. In the future grapheme will replace silicon in electronics, because 'he' (nie wiem, kto Ci zdradzil ze to 'he', ale to jest IT) conducts electricity better than 'him' (napisz poprawne slowo). Thanks 'for' (zle slowo, tutaj TO) 'him' (wiem, wiem, sex gra role - ale nie tutaj, tutaj jest IT), people can design constructions such as cars, airplanes, that will be lighter, but more durable and will 'be' (niepotr) consume less fuel. This material 'also will' (zla kolejnosc slow, will also) be used in the energy sector as 'industred' (popraw to slowo) network. 'He' (ej no, znowu 'he' IT) reduces loss of energy during 'it is' (nie, tutaj ITS) transmission. 'About' (niepotr) THE environmental protection I was talking earlier AND THE 'about' (niepotr) bactericidal properties and 'impermeable' (sprawdz to slowo) to gas. Last of the examples 'is' (ale to ma sie zgadzac z gaskets?) reliable flexible gaskets. This gasket is very 'stron,' (ortog) it won’t lose 'her' (hello, gasket to jst plci zenskiej...nie wiedzialam, niestety to tez jest IT, tutaj ITS) flexibility 'whne' (ortog) 'wheather' (nie rozumiem, ale ortog) 'wil' (popraw) be changed. Propably if it was be used in Space Shuttle Challenger, there wouldn’t be (a gdzie jest przedimek?) disaster.
'Ok,' (nie potrz) …BUT how 'we can' (zla kol slow, to ma byc pytanie...can we') 'to' (niepotr) obtain this material.
'Now,' (niepotr slowo, bo jak nie 'now' to kiedy?) I will present a few of them. (przedimek) first method is mechanical 'detartment' (nie rozumiem slowa) by means of an adhesive tape from (przedimek) high-quality graphite. This method is used 'to' (chyba miales na mysli IN) research applications. (przedimek) next method is vapor destination of the metal. 'Thanks of him' (znoeu jemu dziekujesz, mozna...Because of this, the) grapheme is much cheaper, but we have less quality. We can use 'to' (niepotr slowo) it to build touchscreens. Another way to obtain this material is (przedimek) production of grapheme 'on' (czy nie masz na mysli 'for'?) silcon carbide. This method 'allow' (3os.l.poj, it-3os.) 'to' (niepotr) (daj ..the achievement of) 'achieve' (niepotr) very good quality, but this graphene is very expensive. In 2011, Polish scientists developed new technology to obtain this material, where grapheme 'is capturing' (nie, daj 'captures') large pieces OF by far the best quality.
At the end, I 'wanna' (nie, nie 'wanna', tylko ...would like to) show you (predimek) short movie that describes this material :

Popraw, i wklej jeszcze raz.
dzięki wielkie, na pewno to poprawię i niebawem wrzucę na forum.
Today I’m going to talk about graphene. I will be speaking about its properties, applications and how to obtain it.
Graphene is a flat structure complex with carbon atoms, connected in hexagons. It looks like a honeycomb. We can see it in the pictures. Graphene is as thin one atom. It is considered to have a two-dimensional structure. Industry is interested in this material, because he has many different properties.
Graphene is almost transparent. It absorbs only 2.3 % of the light. This material is stronger and more flexible than steel. It conducts heat and electricity very well. It’s electrons move very quickly, so grapheme finds applications in electronics.The Chemical industry also needs grapheme, because it has bactericidal properties and this product can remove radioactive contamination.
Now I will be explain the properties in this material. In the future grapheme will replace silicon in electronics, because it conducts electricity better than silicon. Microprocessors will be much faster. Thanks to it, people can design constructions such as cars airplanes, that will be lighter, but more durable and will consume less fuel. This material will also be used in the energy sector as industrial network. It reduces loss of energy during its transmission. The environmental protection I was talking earlier, the bactericidal properties and don’t transmit to gas. Last of the examples are reliable flexible gaskets. This gasket is very strong, It won’t lose its flexibility when wheather will be changed. Propably if it was be used in Space Shuttle Challenger, there wouldn’t be a disaster.
How can we to obtain this material. There are many methods to do this. Now, I will present a few of them. The first method is mechanical detaching by means of an adhesive tape from a high-quality graphite. This method is used in research applications. The next method is vapor destination of the metal. Because of this, the grapheme is much cheaper, but we have less quality. We can use it to build touchscreens. Another way to obtain this material is the production of grapheme for silcon carbide. The method for manufacturing carbon by thermal decomposition of SiC (dodałem nowe zdanie) .This method allows the achievement of very good quality, but this graphene is very expensive. In 2011, Polish scientists developed new technology to obtain this material, where grapheme is captures large pieces by far the best quality. Our scientists accelerate the development of this unique product.
At the end, I would like to show you the short movie that describes this material :

Poprawione, dodałem jeszcze 1 zdanie aby prezentacja nie była za krótka.
Cytat: Onemoresong
Today I’m going to talk about graphene. I will be speaking about its properties, applications and how to obtain it.
Graphene is a flat structure complex NIE ROZUMIEM 'STRUCTURE COMPLEX' with carbon atoms, connected in hexagons. It looks like a honeycomb. We can see it in the pictures. Graphene is as thin AS one atom. It is considered to have a two-dimensional structure. Industry is interested in this material, because he TRANSLATOR? has many different properties.
Graphene is almost transparent. It absorbs only 2.3 % of the light. This material is stronger and more flexible than steel. It conducts heat and electricity very well. It’s=IT IS electrons move very quickly, so grapheme finds applications POLONIZM, NAPISZ 'JEST UZYWANY' in electronics.The Chemical industry also needs grapheme, because it has bactericidal properties and this product can remove radioactive contamination.
Now I will be explain =BYC WYJASNIAC the properties in W? this material. In the future grapheme will replace silicon in electronics, because it conducts electricity better than silicon. Microprocessors will be much faster. Thanks to it, people can design constructions such as cars OR airplanes, BEZ PRZECINKA that will be lighter, but more durable and will consume less fuel. This material will also be used in the energy sector as industrial network NIE ROZUMIEM MATERIAL BEDZIE SIECIA PRZEMYSLOWA?. It reduces loss of energy during its CZEGO? transmission. The environmental protection I was talking earlier NIE ROZUMIEM, the bactericidal properties and don’t NIEGRAMATYCZNE transmit NIEZROZUMIALE, SAM TO PISALES? to gas. Last of the examples are reliable flexible gaskets. This KTORY? gasket is very strong, It won’t lose its flexibility when wheather ORTOGR. will be ZLY CZAS I MA BYC STRONA CZYNNA changed. Propably if it was be BZDURY used in Space Shuttle Challenger, there wouldn’t be MA BYC TRZECI DONDITIONAL a disaster.
How can we to PODSTAWOWY BLAD obtain this material. There are many methods to do this. Now, I will present a few of them. The first method is mechanical detaching by means of an adhesive tape from a high-quality graphite. This method is used in research applications. The next method is vapor destination NIE ROZUMIEM of the metal. Because of this, the grapheme ZWROC UWAGE NA BLEDY ORTOGRAFICZNE is much cheaper, but we have less quality MY MAMY MNIEJSZA JAKOSC?. We can use it CZY TO JEST KOLEJNE ZASTOSOWANIE GRAFENU W OGOLLE? DLACZEGO JEST W TYM ROZDZIALE OPISYWANE? to build touchscreens. Another way to obtain this material is the production of grapheme for ZA? silcon ORTOGR carbide. The method for manufacturing carbon by thermal decomposition of SiC (dodałem nowe zdanie) TO NIE JEST ZDANIE.This method allows the achievement of very good quality, but this graphene is very expensive. In 2011, Polish scientists developed new technology to obtain this material, where grapheme is captures NIEGRAMATYCZNE large pieces CZEGOS TU BRAKUJE by far the best quality. Our scientists accelerate NASI NAUKOWCY PRZYSPIESZAJA? the development of this unique product.
At the end, I would like to show you the ZLY PRZEDIMEK short movie that describes this material :

Poprawione, dodałem jeszcze 1 zdanie aby prezentacja nie była za krótka.
postaram się to poprawić jak najszybciej.
edytowany przez Onemoresong: 25 maj 2015
Today I’m going to talk about graphene. I will be speaking about its properties, applications and how to obtain it.
Graphene is a flat structure is built of carbon atoms, connected in hexagons. It looks like a honeycomb. We can see it in the pictures. Graphene is as thin AS one atom. It is considered to have a two-dimensional structure. Industry is interested in this material, because it has many different properties.
Graphene is almost transparent. It absorbs only 2.3 % of the light. This material is stronger and more flexible than steel. It conducts heat and electricity very well. It is electrons move very quickly, so grapheme is used in electronics.The Chemical industry also needs grapheme, because it has bactericidal properties and this product can remove radioactive contamination.
Now I will be talking the properties of this material. In the future grapheme will replace silicon in electronics, because it conducts electricity better than silicon. Microprocessors will be much faster. Thanks to it, people can design constructions such as cars airplanes that will be lighter, but more durable and will consume less fuel. This material can used in the energy sector as industrial network. It reduces loss of energy during its energy transmission. The environmental protection I was talking earlier, the bactericidal properties and it doesn’t conduct gas. Last of the examples are reliable flexible gaskets. This gaskets are very strong, It won’t lose its flexibility when weather will be changing. In 1986, If scientisc had had it Challanger wouldn't have been destroyed.

Poprawiłem pierwsze 3 slajdy jak tylko mogłem, w czwartym mam problem z ułożeniem zdan, ponieważ jest tam dużo słówek naukowych i nie wiem jak to do końca ułożyć, chodzi mi o metody otrzymywania grafenu przez :

-Odrywanie mechaniczne przy użyciu taśmy klejącej
-osadzanie z fazy gazowej
-wytwarzanie grafenu na węgliku krzemu.

w środę muszę to zaprezentować :( A jeszcze muszę się tego nauczyć.
>> w środę muszę to zaprezentować :( A jeszcze muszę się tego nauczyć.

Czyli jak ktos zapyta ci opowiedziec o tym graphene teraz, to swoimi slowami prawdopodobnie nawet dwoch zdan poprawnie nie wydukasz? Nawet bez tych 'big words', prostym jezykiem, bo polsku przeciez chyba wiesz co to jest prawda. To nie dobrze. To sie mija z celem. Jaki w tym sens? Chyba ze nie o to chodzi. Nie wiem.
Powiem, ale po angielsku będę popełniał błędy gramatyczne.
I get it, you want it to be perfect :) In fact, I envy you so much I'm mad enough to drown a cat.

p.s. actually I meant one specific cat for those in the know:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 26 maj 2015
You should have made it as much clear and understandable as possible for a outside hearer and who perhaps has known only a little about all the technonogies implemented. I mean , there is no need to use some " advanced and sophisticated launguage " and I'd be better off without it for the sake of simplicity It of course misses the point and what is more, you will be barely to remember them ,let alone having already learned it off by heart :).
Graphene is as thin AS one atom.
Industry is interested in this material, because 'he' (nie, nie, tutaj ma byc IT) has many different properties.
The environmental protection I was talking ABOUT earlier, the bactericidal properties 'and' (niepotr) don’t 'transmit to gas' (tego nie rozumiem, musi byc napisane tak, zeby lajk z ulicy to rozumial).
This gasket is very strong, It won’t lose its flexibility when THE 'wheather' (calkowicie zle slowo, moze masz na mysli 'weather') 'will be changed' (lepiej 'changes').
In 2011, Polish scientists developed new technology to obtain this material, where grapheme is 'captures' CAPTURED BY large pieces by far OF the best quality.
Napisałem jeszcze raz tekst do prezentacji, mam nadzieję, że pomożecie wychwycić błędy. Wrzucę tu 1 część aby się za bardzo nie kompromitować.


Today I'm going to talk about graphene. This is a product that will be revolutionize many industries. I will be speaking about its properties, applications and how to obtain it.


Right, I'd like to begin with my first point : what is a graphene ? Graphene is a flat structure that is built with carbons atoms, connected in hexagons. It looks like a honeycomb. We can see it in the pictures. Graphene is as thin as one atom. It is considered to have a two-dimensional structure. Industry is interested in this material, because it has many desirable properties.


Now, I am talking about its properties. Graphene is almost transparent. It absorbs only 2.3 % of light. This material is stronger and more flexible than steel. It conducts heat and electricity very well. Its electrons move very quickly, so graphene will be used in electronics. The chemical industry also needs graphene, because it has bactericidal properties and it doesn't transmit any atoms of anothers elements.
be revolutionize = byc rewolucjonizowac
a graphene - jakis grafen?
built with - zly przyimek
I am talking = mówię. Nie mów, że mowisz o wlasciwosciach, bo nie mowisz o wlasciwosciach, tylko mowisz, ze mowisz o wlasciwosciach, a to roznica
niema slowa anothers, a another praktycznie tylko z l. pojedyncza (nawet zaczyna sie od 'an')
mozesz tez dac : Well, let me start off by saying that....itd "

Today I'm going to talk about graphene. This is a product that will revolutionize many industries. I will be speaking about its properties, applications and how to obtain it.


Right, I'd like to begin with my first point : what is graphene ? Graphene is a flat structure that is built from carbons atoms, connected in hexagons. It looks like a honeycomb. We can see it in the pictures. Graphene is as thin as one atom. It is considered to have a two-dimensional structure. Industry is interested in this material, because it has many desirable properties.


Now, I will be talking about its properties. Graphene is almost transparent. It absorbs only 2.3 % of light. This material is stronger and more flexible than steel. It conducts heat and electricity very well. Its electrons move very quickly, so graphene will be used in electronics. The chemical industry also needs graphene, because it has bactericidal properties and it doesn't transmit any atoms of another elements.

Poprawiłem, dobrze?
moze byc
In the future graphene will replace silicon in electronics, because it conducts electricity better than silicon, whereby microprocessors will be much faster. Thanks to it, people can design constructions such as cars, airplanes that will be fast, bute more durable and will consume less fuel. This material will be used in the energy sector as industrial network. It reduces loss of energy during energy transmission. The gaskets are very strong, It won’t lose its flexibility when weather will be changing. In 1986, If scientisc had used it, Challanger wouldn’t has been destroyed. Graphen will be used in environmental protection, this product can remove radioactive contamination. Graphene also can be used to design touchsqreens and it doesn’t have to be of the best quality.
How can we obtain this material? There are many methods to do this. Now, I will present a few of them. The first method is mechanical detaching by means of an adhesive tape from a high-quality graphite. This method is used only in research applications. Next way is chemical vapor deposition. This method was initiated by Koreans and it used in many laboratories around the world. Because of this, grapheme is much cheaper, but it has less quality. As I said it is used to design touchsqreens.Another way to create this material is the production of thermal decomposition of SiC on the SiC substrate. This method allows the achievement of very good quality, but it is very expensive. In 2011, Polish scientists developed new technology to obtain graphene, where material is captured by large pieces by far of the best quality. Our scientists contributed to accelerating the development of this unique product.

Poprawiłem błędy jak tylko mogłem, do tego dorzuciłem troszkę informacji i już w planach mam 5 slajd, może o historii, dziękuje wam za pomoc !
edytowany przez Onemoresong: 29 maj 2015
nadal czasem piszesz grapheme przez m
whereby jest zbyt powazne na prezentacje ustna
nie rozumiem 'as industrial network'
skad tam sie wzeily jakies gaskets. Zwiazek z przesylaniem pradu? A potem jakies it.
zly czas po weather
literowki i zla gramatyka w zdaniu o challenger
nie rozumiem zdania o best quality
let me present a few
kolejna = another
it IS used
captured by large pieces = lapany przez duze kawalki
In the future graphene will replace silicon in electronics, because it conducts electricity better than silicon, so microprocessors will be much faster. Thanks to it, people can design constructions such as cars, airplanes that will be fast, but more durable and will consume less fuel. This material will be used in the energy sector. It reduces loss of energy during energy transmission. We will be able to use it to create the gaskets that will be very strong, It won’t lose its flexibility when weather will be changing. If scientisc had used it in 1986, Challanger wouldn’t have been destroyed. Graphene will be used in environmental protection, this product can remove radioactive contamination. This technology allows to create batteries with high capacities. (DODAŁEM JEDNO PODCZAS POPRAWY)Graphene also can be used to design touchsqreens and it doesn’t have to be of the best quality.
How can we obtain this material? There are many methods to do this. Now, let me present a few of them. The first method is mechanical detaching by means of an adhesive tape from a high-quality graphite. It is used only in research applications. Next way is chemical vapor deposition. This method was initiated by Koreans and it used in many laboratories around the world. Because of this, grapheme is much cheaper, but it has less quality. As I said it is used to design touchsqreens. Other way to create this material is the production of thermal decomposition of SiC on the SiC substrate. This method allows the achievement of very good quality, but it is very expensive. In 2011, Polish scientists developed new technology to obtain graphene, where we have the large amounts of graphene for a small price. Our scientists contributed to accelerating the development of this unique product.
Zamiast will be fast , powinno być will be lighter.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.