tytuł pracy licecnjackiej - pomocy :(

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Cytat: savagerhino
>>The Brits (of course) may have completely different terms.
That's because they are sick people:)

What actual evidence can you present to support this argument?
Cytat: savagerhino
a mianowicie: Jaki 'IRS' naklada podatek na escort agencies i w ogole czy sa jakis tax deductions on sexual activity

If it is run like an official business, (just like any other) the same deductions for rent, electricity, gas, advertising, towels, water, labour costs, insurance apply just like to any other business. Official receipts showing all income have to be produced.
I'll clarify, maybe not sick like 'sick', you know, but sick in the sense of liberalism being a mental disorder. Last month Breitbart reported about a major transit camp for 7-century muslim throwbacks in headscarves, coming in from Africa as they made their way into the UK, the promised land where they can live on welfare for the rest of their lives, deal drugs, stab, rape children and women, murder, cut off heads, basically whatever they want. And the patsy British, the once proud British who no longer exist,
do nothing and they let them live there.
>>>>>do nothing and they let them live there
You have the EU to thank for that. The Government has their hands tied behind their backs and cannot do anything. Maybe that is why, when the Referendum comes in Autumn 2016, the 'patsy British' will show their 'displeasure' with the current policies of the EU.
>>will show their 'displeasure' with the current policies of the EU.
I'm sure they will. I'm all for it. Maybe they will also alow police officers to carry guns.
>>>>Maybe they will also alow police officers to carry guns.
...very unlikely for everyday patrols.
Cytat: savagerhino
where they can live on welfare for the rest of their lives, deal drugs, stab, rape children and women, murder, cut off heads, basically whatever they want

wait, that's impossible, their religion of peace forbids them to do such terrible things
oh yeah, of course it 'does', kill the infidels, and we're all the infidels for them
make no mistake about it, they've been at war with the rest of the world for thousands of years
wherever they were, they've brought only destruction and blood because of this sick notion of the sufficiency of one holy book over everything else, they didn't get through reformation like Jews and Christians did, don't get me started on that please
edytowany przez savagerhino: 21 cze 2015
Cytat: zielonosiwy
po prostu staraj się pomagać, a nie szkodzić
miłego dnia, Mateuszu

nazywasz się Mateusz Moś
wstydzisz się swojej tożsamości? niepotrzebnie, mało kto potrafi konstruować takie ładne zdania jak ty np. 'additional hyphen to insert in your eternally-open by a black dick asshole'
aha, no chyba, że twój przyszly pracodawca zacznie guglać twoje imie. wtedy moze byc nieciekawie
Cytat: zielonosiwy
nazywasz się Mateusz Moś
wstydzisz się swojej tożsamości? niepotrzebnie, mało kto potrafi konstruować takie ładne zdania jak ty np. 'additional hyphen to insert in your eternally-open by a black dick asshole'

You must have mistaken me for someone else! I bet you ara a word-reference forum user and for this particular reason you assume that I am Mateusz Moś, which is actually erroneous! I cannot deduce what makes you think like this. Incidentally, I am not the only one who can concoct such senseless and pointless "phrases". I do not know why but I like resorting to some kind of skullduggeries.
jesteś niedouczonym bubkiem, a w dodatku oszustem
i weź nie pisz wiecej po angielsku, bo sie nie da tego czytac
Cytat: zielonosiwy
jesteś niedouczonym bubkiem, a w dodatku oszustem
i weź nie pisz wiecej po angielsku, bo sie nie da tego czytac

Ok. Let it be. Now, you can go back into your hideout and re-commence sharpening the arrows, for tomorrow you will spend your time on hunting oxes with your "cavemates". By the way, say hello to them.
Cytat: siuniab
czesc mg
my thoughts: all real estate is local in nature and governed by local structures, laws and definitions. Somewhat difficult to overlay AmE or BrE property terms and achieve a perfect fit.

No-one questions that windows and doors are the same here, there and everywhere, do we? And so is the wiring, plumbing, etc. Chances are then that there are terms in use that refer specifically to those in the contexts of owning a flat in an apartment block where the owners have formed a 'sef-government' as it were to manage their joint property. Condominiums are the closest fit to 'wspolnota mieszkaniowa' and it seems that 'common elements' fit the bill (I've googled for it here and there, but not everywhere).

Above all, however, I'm so happy to have you back, Madam.
Cytat: UndyingStripling
Ok. Let it be. Now, you can go back into your hideout and re-commence sharpening the arrows, for tomorrow you will spend your time on hunting oxes with your "cavemates". By the way, say hello to them.

pełno błędów, jak zwykle u ciebie
i dziwie sie, ze nikt ci jeszcze nie powiedzial, ze uzywajac tego 'for' brzmisz jak niepelnosprawny umyslowo
Cytat: zielonosiwy
Cytat: UndyingStripling
Ok. Let it be. Now, you can go back into your hideout and re-commence sharpening the arrows, for tomorrow you will spend your time on hunting oxes with your "cavemates". By the way, say hello to them.

pełno błędów, jak zwykle u ciebie
i dziwie sie, ze nikt ci jeszcze nie powiedzial, ze uzywajac tego 'for' brzmisz jak niepelnosprawny umyslowo

Yes, there is a myriad of mistakes! But for now, please take my advice seriously - resume sharpening the arrows! Oh, I have almost forgotten, shouldn't you be dispensing with the dung at the moment, should you?

Your remarks are of no importance to me! Since I understand you holding a grudge against me for offending you, I cannot waive the use of "for". I have never been reproached for that, therefore, I do not see anything against it.

I resolved to stop placing "beside the point" comments on this forum. If you are willing to seek vengeance upon me, feel free to do it, but send me a private message - it will both: unburden you of your problems and allow me to me more "specific". Does it suit you needs?
I needed to close out the thread on a more positive note...
Can't have a thread that made me blush (mg), end with unflattering remarks.
Mamy Dzien ojca tu...lece na kolacje.

Next Saturday I'm going to send you a video clip (or I'll drop you a download link, we'll see) with me carrying out a tandem skydive. I'm serious. If you don't get it, that will mean the chute didn't open and I'm dead.

wife is freaking out, good for her , wrrrrrr:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 21 cze 2015
ja juz z toba skonczylem, undying
i naprawde, lepiej bedzie dla ciebie kiedy w weekendy zamiast wypisywac bzdury na forum, powrocisz do kopania sie w czolo w okręgówce
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