
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
dear mr and mrs bennett

i am home now since two weeks but i have to start work immediately, so this is the first time is possible for me to write. how are you all? are you busy as usual? does andres still work hard for his exam next month? i am miss you a lot of and also all my friends from my english class. yesterday i've received a letter from m greece friend Christina, and she told about some of the other students. she say that Etsuko and Yukiko will write me from Japan. I am lucky because I made so many good friends during I was in England. It was really interesting for me to meet people from so many differents countries. i think that we not only improved our english (i hope this!) but we also knew people from all over the world and this is important.

My family are fine. they had a good summer holiday by the lake. we are very exciting because my brother will get married just before Christmas and we like very much this girlfriend. they have looked for a flat near the city centre but it is no easy to find one. if they won't find one soon they will have to stay here with us.

please can you check sometking for me? i can't find my red scarf. i think maybe I have forgotten it in the cupboard in my bedroom.

please write soon. my family send best wishes to you all. i hope I can come back next year, stay with you was a very wonderful experience for me. thank you for all things and excuse my mistake. I already forget so much words.



ps I hope you like the photo. It is nice, isn't it?

W tym tekście jest było ponad 40 błędów wszelkiego typu. Znalazłam już prawie 20 ale reszty po prostu nie widzę. "Jeszcze" tylko jakieś 30 błędów. Czytałam ten tekst już ze 100 razy i niczego się nie mogę już doszukać.

Wiem, długi bardzo jest ten tekst, ale chociaż kilka... pomóżcie...
I have been at home ............
so this is the first possible time for me to write to you
I miss you very much
I received a letter from my Greek friend - Christina
She says that Tesuko and Yukiki will write to me
I'm lucky beacuse I made friends with so many people when I was in England
so many different coutries
I think that not only did we improve our English ( jezyk zawsze z wielkiej ) but also .........................
My family is fine
my brother is going to get married
but it's not so easy to find
if they don't find one in a short time they will have to stay with us
can you check something for me , please
I think I left it in the cupboard in my bedroom
My family sends best wishes to you ( bez all )
I have already forgotten so many words


Pomoc językowa


FCE - sesja zimowa 2005