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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Alan Petcu,

My name is Iza Klimek. My student id: 14554387. I am writing to you regarding to daily dashboard emails.

I will try to explain my situation. Originally I supposed to start Adult Nursing in March. But, just two weeks before my first day at University I had a sad news about my dad from Poland. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.I decided to fly to Poland to stay the last weeks with my dad and family.I informed Admissions team and they allowed me to start in September.

I am still receiving daily dashboard emails from March intake. Several times I called to University of Bedford Admissions, but I still keep getting the emails. To be honest I do not know what to do next and who to inform. I am worried that maybe I am not going to have any emails for September Intake.

I am really sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to you.
jest w wiekszosci poprawne

I was supposed to, regarding bez to, news bez przedimka
dashboard niepotrzebne
I've called University.... several times but...
W ostatnim to niepotrzebne. Ja bym opuścił oba końcowe słowa.
edytowany przez Aaric: 25 sie 2015
Dziekuje bardzo za pomoc ;)
really też do usunięcia
Dear Alan Petcu, (wg mnie wystarczy Dear Mr. Petcu)

Originally I supposed to start Adult Nursing in March (dla mnie brakuje roku). But, just two weeks before my first day at University I had 'a' (niepotr) sad news (ja dalabym 'from Poland' tutaj) about my dad. 'from Poland' (niepotr).
I informed THE Admissions team and they allowed me to start in September.

I am still receiving daily dashboard emails from THE March intake. 'Several times I called' (nie, I called the Univ. several times) to University of Bedford Admissions, but I still keep getting the emails. To be honest I do not know what to do next and whoM to inform. I am worried that maybe I am not going to have any emails for THE September Intake.

I am really sorry for any inconvenience this may cause 'to' (niepotr) you.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.