Czy dobrze rozwiązałam zadanie ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
How would you feel if the (23) work you've been doing for most of your life just moved offshore without any (24) warning. What if you just spent several years getting a(n) (25) education for what you thought would be a very hot job but later (26) turned outto be a very bad choice ?
How wolud you like to know the (27) secrets to choosing a satisfying (28) proffesion that will also be a hot job ?

By understanding the major (29) trends that are affecting our lives, you will be able to play an active role in planning and (30) directing your career. By understanding these trends you will have a better (31) chance of seeing the big changes before they hit.

This look into the future will show you the hot jobs that are (32) anticipated to have high demand and some taht aren't. But more importantly this article will show you the (33) basics of 'trendspotting' so taht you can (34) make your own intelligent career choices

poniżej inne warianty

23. task / job / work / career
24. warning / threat / notice / tip
25. education / learning / tutoring / studying
26. bring to light / turned out / manifest itself / become apparent
27. privacy / mystery / secrets / hugger-mugger
28. fortune / profession / labour / career
29. inclinations / leanings / drifts / trends
30. referring / aiming / directing / relegating
31. event / chance / occurrence / potential
32. expected / waited / anticipated / awaited
33 basics / stem / origin / fundamentals
34 do / practise / make / fulfil
edytowany przez magdaeksl: 06 wrz 2015
Ja bym zmienił 23.
Cytat: Aaric
Ja bym zmienił 23.

na job ? Czy w pozostałych są błędy ?
edytowany przez magdaeksl: 06 wrz 2015
Sprawdziłem całość.

IMO: 23 - job, 28 - career.
Cytat: Galard
Sprawdziłem całość.
IMO: 23 - job, 28 - career.



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