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na Państwa portalu ineternetowym po angielsku, to ????
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Czy mógłby mi ktoś napisać jak się czyta ten tekst? (wymowa)
Is the Internet a blessing or a curse?

In my opinion the Internet is a blessing.
The Internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history.
The main use of the Internet is to find information - for your job or schoolwork or just to find current events.
You can share your hobbies and special interests with newsgroups and chat groups.
Using the Internet offers many advantages for example you can get the latest information at any time, quicly and easily.
The most populary way of using the Net is e-mail (it is electronic mail_. The system enables the holder to send information to the other hemisphere in just a second ( of course on condition that the receiver has also access to the Internet.
E-mail is populary because it is faster than sending a letter ang cheaper than a telephone conversation, it costs only as much as a local telephone connection and is the fastest in the world.
In my opinion the Internet will soon change the way we communicate, shop, study and conduct business.
Also on-line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price. buying in virtual shop is comfortable because there is no need to go out, to park a car or to queue. On-line shopping can save your time and money.Intermarkets offer greater variety of products than supermarkets.
The Internet has unlimited possibilities. What is more in medicine, the Internet is used in so called tele-surgery. The Internet makes it possible for a doctor to make surgicak operations on patients in a remote control.
The power of the Internet is almost uncountable.
The Internet has also got disadvantages.
Firstly the Net is sometimes used for less useful and right purposes for example vulgar texts and pornographic pictures. Parents should forbid children surf the net on their own. Also you can get a SPAM which is unwanted electronic mail for example advertisement. What is more by e-mail it is possible to get virus to clean up your disc or even to destroy computer.
The Internet has also got problems such as slowness, potential overload and a pop-up eggect this is when an adivertisement jumps out at the Word Wide Web.
Fortunatelly, the system is improving all the time and if any problems happen, they can always be solied.

W tym slowniku możesz posluchać jak się wszystko wymawia. Nikt Ci tego tu nie napisze.


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