Zdania warunkowe 0,1,2

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam mam problem ze zdaniami warunkowymi czy ktoś mógłby sprawdzić czy zrobiłam dobrze i poprawić
1.Oh Please, i promise. If You buy Me a dog, iwill take ️it for a walk.
2. What about. Cat? When you have a cat You wont have to take ️it for a walk.
3. Unless we keep ️it indoors all the time, ️it will bring dead birds.
4.if You clean a mauses cage ️it doesnt smell bad.
5.if You get a mouse, ️it will ligę in cage.
6.ok, provided that You promile to look after ️it properly i will buy a mouse for You.
7. I promile Every day when i come Homer i wiil feed ️it and i will clean cage.
8. If You ever forget , i will bring back ️it to the shop.
mnostwo literowek, ale okresy warunkowe sa ok, w 2 raczej bedzie zerowy