Sprawdzenie zdań - Strona Bierna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Change into passive:

1. Alex learned the poem
The poem had been learned by Alex
2. Did Sue draw this circle?
Had this circle been drawn by Sue?
3. Everybody should love him.
He should've been loved by everyone
4. He can cut out the picture
The picture can be cut out by him
5. He hasn't put out the light.
The light hasn't had been put by him
6. He hasn't written a novel yet
A novel has hadn't been written by him
7. He made a very remarkably discovery
A very remarkable discovery had been made by him
8. I will ask a question
A question will be asked by me
9. John doesen't collect money
A money isn't collected by John
10. Maria didn't crash into the blue car
The blue car hadn't been crashed into by Maria
11. My cousion isn't drawing a picture at the moment.
A picture is not beeing drawn by my cousion at the moment
12. My son isn't drinking milk at the moment
A milk is not beeing drunk by me son at the moment
13. Steven was buying the book yesterday at 5 pm
The book have beeing bought by Steven at 5pm
14. Sue puts the the rucksack on the floor
The rucksack have been put by hev on the floor
15. The arsonist started the fire when we were sleeping
The fire had been started by arsonist when we were sleeping
16. The secretary always writes the reports
The reports are always written by secretary
17. The chose the yellow car
The yellow car is choosen by them
18. They were reading a book yesterday in the evening
A book had been beeing read by then yesterday in the evening
19. We will not change the flat soon
The flat will not be change

Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc ;)

1. Alex learned the poem
The poem had been learned by Alex ZLY CZAS
2. Did Sue draw this circle?
Had this circle been drawn by Sue? ZLY CZAS
3. Everybody should love him.
He should've been loved by everyone ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA
5. He hasn't put out the light.
The light hasn't had been put by him NIEGRAMATYCZNE
6. He hasn't written a novel yet
A novel has hadn't been written by him JAK WYZEJ
7. He made a very remarkably discovery
A very remarkable discovery had been made by him ZLY CZAS
9. John doesen't collect money
A money isn't collected by John CZEMU DODALES PRZEDIMEK
10. Maria didn't crash into the blue car
The blue car hadn't been crashed into by Maria ZLY CZAS
11. My cousion isn't drawing a picture at the moment.
A picture is not beeing drawn by my cousion at the moment BLAD ORTOGR.
12. My son isn't drinking milk at the moment
A milk is not beeing drunk by me son at the moment TEN SAM BLAD
13. Steven was buying the book yesterday at 5 pm
The book have beeing bought by Steven at 5pm NIEGRAMATYCZNE
14. Sue puts the the rucksack on the floor
The rucksack have been put by hev on the floor ZLY CZAS
15. The arsonist started the fire when we were sleeping
The fire had been started by arsonist when we were sleeping ZLY CZAS
17. The chose the yellow car
The yellow car is choosen by them ZLY CZAS I BLAD ORTOGR
18. They were reading a book yesterday in the evening
A book had been beeing read by then yesterday in the evening ZLY CZAS
19. We will not change the flat soon
The flat will not be change = MIESZKANIE NIE BĘDZIE ZMIENIĆ


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie