Introduction Letter pomoc

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Czesc, czy ktos moze pomoc mi przy sprawdzeniu Introduction Letter?
My name is XYZ. I am X years old and come from Poland. I am writing to express my interest in an English Teacher Volunteer position at your school in China. After graduation, I would like to move to China and become an english teacher. That is why I am learning chinese language and improving my English fluency day by day. So far I was doing very well.
I am interested in Far East culture and traveling and that is why I have chosen China. I belive that my current experience and knowledge is good enough to embrace English Teacher Volunteer position. Opportunity to be a part of your school will help me on further way.
Currently I have done few certifications and plan to do other in future, to be a better teacher. I have hope that my short introduction let you to know me better. I look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,
'Hello' (powaznych listow nie zaczynamy tak jak do jakiejs kolezanki z podworka, pomysl i napisz poprawnie),
'My name is XYZ. I am X years old and come from Poland' (nie wiem po co ta informacja jest dawana, przeciez to jest w CV). I am writing to express my interest in an English Teacher Volunteer position at your school in China. After graduation (ale kiedy to bedzie? za rok, dwa? trzy? trzeba dokladniej napisac),(i trzeba tez dodac instytucje i program nauki) I would like to move to China and become 'an english teacher' (oj, nie, nie - tutaj trzeba ...a Teacher of English). That is why I am learning (a gdzie przedimek?) 'chinese' (duza litera, to jest nazwa wlasna) language and improving my English fluency day by day. So far I 'was' (calkowity zly czas) doing very well (i pytanie teraz sie stalo? bo czy dalej to robisz czy nie to nie piszesz).
I am interested in 'Far East culture' (dla mnie to jest zle - interested in the culture of The Far East) and 'traveling' (travelling in BrE) and that is why I have chosen China. I 'belive' (co to? blad ortog) that my current experience (ale nam nie zdradzilas jaki 'experience' masz, trzeba to napisac) and knowledge is good enough to embrace (brak przedimka) English Teacher Volunteer position. (a gdzie przedimek?) opportunity to be a part of your school will help me on' further way' (dla mnie to jest zle napisane).
Currently I have 'done' (to jest za dziecinne slowo i do tego kolokw zeby mialo miejsce w tym) 'few' (to znaczy ile?) certifications (ale w jakim kierunku? trzeba wyraznie napisac) and plan to do 'other' (zle slowo, tutaj 'others') in (brak przedimka) future, to be a better teacher. I 'have' (to jest typowa kalka z polskiego, slowo jest niepotr) hope that my short introduction 'let you to know me better' (to trzeba inaczej napisac).
NP...To zdania zawsze i to zawsze piszemy jako nowy para. To powinnas juz wiedziec - dlaczego mam Ci to przypominac na tym etapie. I look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully (i to dalej do hello?....Zacznij list dear Sir/Madam),

Trzeba pamietac, ze ten list ma Ciebie 'sprzedac' i 'zachecic' kogos.
become 'an english teacher' (oj, nie, nie - tutaj trzeba ...a Teacher of English). do tej pory było ok a dzisiaj już nie jest? Ja bym tylko 'english' poprawił na 'English' ;)


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