Zdania warunkowe

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tych zdań z góry bardzo dziękuje :)
1. I'm always so busy. That'sthe reason why I don't viasit you very often.
If I weren't always so busy, I would visit you more often.
2. I can't have dinner with you. You're always talking with your full mounth.
If you weren't always talking with your full mounth, I would have dinner with you.
3. Paul stepped on the road to see of the bus was coming and a motorcycle knocked him down.
If Paul hadn't stepped on the road to see if the bus had been coming, a motorrcycle wouldn't have knocked him down.
4.It's very difficult to be polite to him-he's let me down a few times.
If he hadn't let me down a few times, it wouldn't be difficult to be polite to him.
5.I'm not going to marry you because we're not a bit alike and have absolutely nothing in common.
I would marry you if we were a bit alike and had something in common.
2 mowi sie chyba talk with one's mouth full, nie?
3 zostaw was coming
Dziękuje za pomoc :)


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