
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ktoś mógłby wytłumaczyć? Starałem się, to zrozumieć ale gubię się i nie wiem która forma kiedy.
edytowany przez JOKERDI: 13 cze 2016
tam są różne czasy, np. w 1 musisz wybrac miedzy present perfect a past simple. Poczytaj o tym i wpisz tu rozwiazania do sprawdzenia
A past cont/perf nie?
edytowany przez Aaric: 13 cze 2016
Tu jest text, żeby nie szukać;)
1 Underline the correct alternative.

I (1) 've had / had some great experiences in my life, especially since I (2) 've been working / worked as a doctor here in Africa for the last ten years. I (3) 've met I am meeting some wonderful maple, and (4) have travelled / was travelling to some amazing places.

One date I will never forget is 1 January 2000. It (5) was / has been one of the most important days of my life! My wife, Cassie, and I (6) were living / lived in South Africa. Cassie (7) expected / was expecting our first baby, but the baby was late. We (8) has been / had been in hospital for two days, and we (9) are / were feeling very tired and fed-up. All our friends and family (10) were / have been out celebrating the new millennium, but Cassie and I (11) were having to / had to stay inside, just waiting. Our son, Tom, was born just after midnight. I could hear the fireworks outside, but I didn't care! I (12) had never seen / never saw anything as beautiful as my new baby son.
edytowany przez Aaric: 13 cze 2016
1. I've had
2. I've been working
3. I've met
4. have travelled
5. It was
6. were living
7. was expecting
8. had been
9. are
10. were
11. had to
12. never saw

Przyznam, że są to najtrudniejsze zadania dla mnie od zawsze, nienawidzę grammar a bardzo podobne będę miał jutro na "kolokwium
9 i 12 zle
Dzięki, jeszcze takie zadanko mam:

If I (win) win a million pounds I (not keep) _____ all the money. I (give) ____ a lot of it away.
When I was a child, if you (not have)____ the money for something, you (not buy) ____ it.
If Julie (know) _______ about Paul's past, she (not marry) him_____. But it's to late now.
Ta sama zasada:) Spróbuj sam uzupełnić zdania, dopiero wtedy ktoś sprawdzi i ew. coś poradzi.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.