Pomoc w ułożeniu pytań do zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zadaj pytanie tak, aby odpowiedzią były pogrubione części zdania.
a) I live in Warsaw.
b) She is going to the theatre.
c) He can speak two foreign languages.
d) We work from Monday to Friday.
e) We study cosmetology.
f) They left the country ten years ago.
g) It takes four hours to get there.
h) The room was dark and dirty.
i) I am looking for room number 1.
j) They liked Ann’s idea best.
k) He complained to the manager.
l) The bridge is built of concrete.
m) I have been waiting for half an hour.
n) I’d like the green one..
o) They made her write the test.
p) He told me what happened.
q) This word means “employer”.
r) Lavender is known for its healing properties.
s) This therapy treats nervous disorders.
t) This container is made of glass.

Dziękuję za pomoc :)
nie widze mozliwosci pomocy, bo sam nic nie napisales.
Wpisz tu swoje pytania, ktos zapewne sprawdzi, wskaze bledy.
a) I live in Warsaw. ~ Where do you live?
b) She is going to the theatre. ~Where is she going?
c) He can speak two foreign languages. How many foreign languages can he speak?
d) We work from Monday to Friday. How many days do you work per week?
e) We study cosmetology. What do you study?
f) They left the country ten years ago. When they left the country?
g) It takes four hours to get there. How many hours it took you to get there?
h) The room was dark and dirty. How was the room?
i) I am looking for room number 1. What are you looking for?
j) They liked Ann’s idea best. Whose idea they liked the most?
k) He complained to the manager. Whose he complained for?
l) The bridge is built of concrete. What is built the bridge?
m) I have been waiting for half an hour. How long have you been waiting?
n) I’d like the green one. How would you like?
o) They made her write the test.
p) He told me what happened.
q) This word means “employer”. What does this word mean?
r) Lavender is known for its healing properties. What is known for lavender?
s) This therapy treats nervous disorders. What this therapy treats?
t) This container is made of glass. What is made this container ?
Sama zobiłam w ten sposób. Proszę o sprawdzenie. Dziękuję
f), g), j) użyj inwersji
k) 'whose' i 'for' to złe słowa
l) źle, zacznij od 'What is the bridge ...'
n) 'how' to złe słowo + brak jednego slowa, ktore jest w zdaniu wyjsciowym
o) przypomnij sobie causative make, zacznij od 'what'
p) zacznij od 'what'
r) źle, 'What is lavender ...'
s) inwersja
t) źle, 'What is this container ...'
Dziękuję za podpowiedzi! Ale czy w zdaniu f) mogę użyć inwersji bo było by to tak (???) "Are they left the country?" A pytanie ma brzmieć ile czasu temu już ten kraj opuśclili, powyżej jest zaznaczone pogrubieniem o co mamy konkretnie zapytać. To samo w g) i j),s). Ale nie wiem, może się nie znam... Rozwiejcie moje wątpliwości
nie, zacznij od 'when' i zadaj pytanie w czasie past simple
G. How many/long....does it take ...?
nie ma tam zaimka
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie