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The present thesis is a literary comparison between two books that tell the stories of women during the Second World War in Poland and the Civil War in Spain. The purpose of this work is to present a way of reproduce of traumatic memories in the Łukasz Modelski’s work Dziewczyny wojenne and Dulce Chacón’s book The Sleeping voice and to emphasise the popularity which gains modern writers reaching the forgotten witnesses of history.
The first chapter is devoted to the presentation of the political situation in both countries and to discuss the role of women, they played during World War II in Poland and the Spanish Civil War. Short description of the process of creating these works is an introduction to in-depth literary analysis. In the second chapter we are presented the literary genre, which belong to both texts; reportage and social novel. To demonstrate the similarities that can be seen between them, they are intensified aspects such as narrative structure of the texts and profiles of major characters. The last chapter is devoted to the analysis of time and space in which to play the action and the process of storing and playing back the stored events. The last issue is tackled excitement of women and their impact on relationships. The work is summarized in short proposals.
translatorek i to kiepski. Ja maszyn nie poprawiam.
Otóż niekoniecznie translator, sugerowałam się streszczeniami, które już w internecie krążą.
Ale wstawiam też zmodyfikowaną wersję, może tym razem będzie lepiej:

The present thesis is a literary comparison between two books that tell the stories of women during the Second World War in Poland and the Civil War in Spain. The purpose of this work is to present a way of reproduce of traumatic memories in the Łukasz Modelski’s work Dziewczyny wojenne and Dulce Chacón’s book The Sleeping voice and to emphasise the popularity which gain modern writers reaching the forgotten witnesses of history.
The first chapter is to present political situation in both countries and the meaning of the women during the Second World War in Poland and the Civil War in Spain. The short description of the process of creating these works are an introduction to an in-depth literary analysis. In the second chapter there is a presentation of the literary genres of the both texts: reportage and social novel. To indicate the similarity between them certain aspects such as narration, text’s structure and profiles of the main characters are analysed.
The last chapter is an analysis of time and place of events and the way of remembering and reproducing the stories registered in the memory. The last question of this work are emotions of women and their impact on relationships. The work is summarized by concise conclusions.
popularity which gain modern writers
Popatrzylam tylko dlatego, zeby ustalic jak daleko to jest...
The 'present' (nie rozumiem po co to slowo jest tutaj, niepotr) thesis is a literary comparison between two 'books' (ja dalabym 'novels') 'that tell the stories' (to trzeba wiecej na poziomie - np. illustrate, describe, explain - slowa ktore powinno sie uzywac) of women during the Second World War in Poland and the Civil War in Spain. The purpose 'of this work' (nie rozumiem po co to jest - co to dodaje?) is to present a way of 'reproduce' (zla czesc mowy) 'of' (zle slowo) (brak przedimka) traumatic memories in the Łukasz Modelski’s work Dziewczyny wojenne (nie wiem ale wg mnie tytuly daje sie w italics.....).and Dulce Chacón’s book The Sleeping voice and to emphasise the popularity 'which gain modern writers' (po jakiemu to jest?) reaching the forgotten witnesses of history.
The first chapter 'is to' (niepotr) 'present' (zle slowo) (brak przedimka) political situation in both countries and the 'meaning of the women' (nie za bardzo rozumiem o co chodzi) 'during the Second World War in Poland and the Civil War in Spain' (to juz wyzej masz napisane. Co to dodaje do tego zdania - nie musimy przypominac osobie czytajacej o co chodzi - bo przeciez to wie). 'The' (zly przedimek) short description of the process of creating these works are an introduction to an in-depth literary analysis. In the second chapter there is a presentation of the literary genres of 'the' (po co ten przedimek tutaj?) both texts: reportage and social novel. To indicate the similarity (to znaczy ze nic innego niema, tylko similarity - niema tam zadnych 'differences' between texts?) between them certain aspects such as narration, (brak przedimka) text’s structure and profiles of the main characters are analysed.
The last chapter is an analysis of time and place of events and the way of remembering and reproducing the stories (tu wg mnie brakuje slowa) registered in the memory. The last 'question of this work' (tego nie pojmuje. O co tu chodzi?) are emotions of women and their impact on relationships (ale czyje to relationship? Trzeba cos wytlumaczyc).
(to trzeba wiecej na poziomie - np. illustrate, describe, explain - slowa ktore powinno sie uzywa

albo " depict, reveal " was downrightly depicted... albo cos
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 27 cze 2016
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.