kategoria: Nauka języka angielskiego / forum: Pomoc językowa
04 wrz 2016
Witam, musze na jutro napisać speecha i nie chciałabym, aby zakradł się w koje tłumaczenie jakiś chochlik, byłabym bardzo wdzieczna, gdyby ktoś mi je sprawdził. Prosze o kontakt na priv :)
On my holiday i was in Sopot. I spent there a really brilliant time with my friends. Every day we walked to the beach and we visited a lot of beautiful places in this city. on The second day weather was really horrible . All day was raining and we couldn't go nowhere but it wasn't the end of bad things. In the evening when i went to the shop i tripped over on the stairs. I felt a terrible pain in my head .I dont remember this well. When i woke up i was again in the flat. Despite that accident it were good holidays because i spent time with important for me people.
all day it was raining and we couldn't go ANYWHERE, but it wasn't the end of it bad things it were good the holidays were good
important for me people - zły szyk