Sprawdzenie kilku zadań - Causative Form (have sth done)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dobry wieczór,
proszę o sprawdzenie czy dobrze napisałem zdania w Causative Form (have sth done).

1. He was mending the table for Sophie. --> Sophie was having the table mended.
2. He took his boots to be re-heeled. --> He had his boots taken.
3. Has your leg been X-rayed? --> Have your leg been X-rayed?
4. Don't ask them to post the letters. --> Don't have the letters posted.
5. The mechanic is repairing her car. --> She is having her car repaired.
6. They renovated the Smitgs' house last year. --> They had their the Smiths's house renovated.
7. They are going to clean our swimming pool. --> They are going to have our swimming pool cleaned.
8. Where you they take their photographs to be developed? --> Where do they have their photographs developed?
9. He doesn't mind the barber cutting his hair short. --> He doesn't mind having his hair cut short.
10. You should ask someone to water your plants while you're on holiday. --> You should have your plants watered.
11. Will she get someone to deliver the computer? --> Will she have the computer delivered?
12. She prefers sending her clothes to the dry-cleaner's. --> She has her clothes to the dry-cleaner's sent.
13. My father likes people taking his photograph. --> My father likes having his photograph taken.
14. Would you like someone to do the shopping for you? --> Would you like have the shopping done for you?
Widzę błędy w zdaniach,
2 może nie rozumiesz zdania,
7 They We are...
8 wyjściowe zdanie źle przepisane,
10 brak części zdania od "while...", imo
edytowany przez Aaric: 29 gru 2016
ad. 2. He took his boots to be re-heeled. --> He had his boots to be re-heeled.
ad. 6. They renovated the Smitgs' house last year. --> They had their the Smiths's house renovated.
ad. 12. ?

W zdaniu 6 błąd dotyczył słówka dodatkowego "their" czy może są jakieś "grubsze" błędy?
Proszę jeszcze o wskazówkę co jest źle w zdaniu 12, niestety nie widzę błędu. :(

A poza tym to dzięki za odpowiedź. :)
2 wciąż nie tak, imo.
6 źle zacząłeś. 'their' jest ok
edytowany przez Aaric: 29 gru 2016
12 się zmienia po 'clothes'
3 jest zle
14 brak slowa
ad. 2. He took his boots to be re-heeled. --> He had his boots re-heeled. (może być po prostu tak)
ad. 6. They renovated the Smitgs' house last year. --> We had their the Smiths's house renovated. (jeśli ma być tutaj poprawnie "We" to ja już tu czegoś nie rozumiem, dlaczego nie może zostać "They"? )
ad. 12. She prefers sending her clothes to the dry-cleaner's. --> She has her clothes sent to the dry-cleaner's.
ad. 14. Would you like someone to do the shopping for you? --> Would you like have the shopping done to for you? ( słówko "to" poprawnie ma być po "done" czy przed?)

Moja wydumana poprawka. Mam nadzieję, że będzie ok.

A teraz wisieńka na koniec:
Jaki czas jest użyty w zdaniu nr 3: Has your leg been X-rayed? (has to czas present, been to posiłkowy do Continuous - tylko nie mamy czasownika z - ing, a X-rayed to past). Nie ma chyba takiego czasu: has+been+trzecia forma. O.o
2 ok
6 kto nie musial nic robic w zwiazku z remontem domu? To bedzie podmiot.
12 musi byc zdanie z she prefers
14 slowko 'to' ma byc w zupelnie innym miejscu. Podstawa!

nie znasz strony biernej?
ad. 6. They renovated the Smiths' house last year. --> Mr Smith had their house renovated.
ad. 12. She prefers sending her clothes to the dry-cleaner's. --> She has sending her clothes prefered to the dry-cleaner's.
ad. 14. Would you like someone to do the shopping for you? --> Would you like to have the shopping done for you?

ad. 3. Has your leg been X-rayed? --> Has had your leg X-rayed been?
6 jaka jest roznica miedzy Mr Smith i the Smiths?
12 Zdanie musi sie zaczynac od 'she prefers'
14 ok

3 niegramatyczne.
Jak zwykle musisz zaczac od pytania: kto nie musial sie trudzic, tzn. nie musial samemu robic przeswietlenia swojej nogi. To bedzie podmiot
2 kontext jest że on tylko zaniósł buty żeby je naprawili.
2 to jest nie sety taka konwencja w cwiczeniach. Chodzi o causative have.
to cwiczenie, jesli sie nie myle, jest z ksiazki V. Evans, z ktorej uczylem 15 lat temu. Pamietam ten przyklad
ad. 2. He took his boots to be re-heeled. --> He had his boots taken.
ad. 6. They renovated the Smiths' house last year. --> The Smiths had their house renovated. (tutaj chyba nie ma różnicy czy damy Mr Smith czy The Smiths, wcześniej przekombinowałem)
ad. 12. She prefers sending her clothes to the dry-cleaner's. --> She prefers having her clothes sent to the dry-cleaner's.
ad. 3. Has your leg been X-rayed? --> Has the doctor had your leg X-rayed?
ad. 2. He had his boots taken. to znaczy że ktoś inny jego buty zaniósł do naprawy a przecież on sam je zaniósł żeby ktoś inny je naprawił.
edytowany przez Aaric: 29 gru 2016
No i wlasnie dlatego poprzednio bylo dobrze w 2
6 jest roznica, bo mr smith nie wystepuje w tym zdaniu
12 gramatycznie jest juz dobrze (prefers having), ale to ona sama wysyla ubranie do pralni. Czego ona nie robi?
3 nie. Lekarz nie mial przeswietlic swojej nogi
A odnośnie 7?
edytowany przez Aaric: 30 gru 2016
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.