ProszÄ™ o tlumacznie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo Å‚adnie proszÄ™ o tlumaczenie:
"Chcesz wiedzieć pare rzeczy o mnie a więc chodzę do liceum i kończe je za półtora roku, a póżniej chciałabym wyjechać z przyjaciółkami.
W weekendy wychodze ze znajomymi do dyskoteki potańczyć i zreklasowac się. W wolnym czasie uczę się francuskiego, bo zapisałam się na kurs i chciałabym zdawać ten język na maturze, a więc w wakacje będe musiała ćwiczyć.
Ty też napisz mi coś o sobie.. co robisz na codzień i w wolnym czasie? Gdzie pracujesz?"
So, you want to know things walk about I for secondary school few and I finish it too one and a half year, but I would like to leave with friends later. To weekends with familiar for disco leave dance and relax . I learn french in leisure, because I has been recorded on rate and I would like to seem this language on examination for the secondary-school certificate so, I must exercise to vacations. It write something too about it me. You make that on daily in leisure and? Where work you?

Mysle ze to bedzie cos takiego :P
IMHO -mysle, ze chyba -nie-
dajcie jej bana!!!! już mnie to wkur|/\|ia
O kurka, buehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehheheheheheh
So you want to know a few things about me. Well, I'm a high school student and I will graduate in a year and a half. Later, I would like to go away somewhere with my friends. On weekends I go out to dance and to chill with my friends. In my spare time I'm taking French classes - I would like to take French exam on my Matura Exam (that's the school leaving exam in Poland). In summer then I will have to practise French a lot.
Now you write me something about yourself. What do you do every day and in your free time? Where do you work?
Dobra duszyczko...You've had enough and helped? Bless you :)
Yeah, whining works.
działanie niepedagogiczne, ale słuszne... w imię spokoju, wolności od namoli etc. wszyscy razem: DZIĘKUJEMY!
:) They are really doing my headin, I dunno maybe I am a miserable bitch not willing to help, but somehow I get an impression that they r not making any effort to do it themselves.
why "they"?
meaning: such a people :) moze byc they? ;-)
pozwalam ;]
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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