ok, ok, Michale, spokojnie. Rzeczywiscie sie nie znam i moze mi uprzejmie wyjasnisz (jesli jestes taki ekspert) dlaczego jak jest \'dear sir\' to bedzie \'yours faithfully\' , a jak \'dear Mr Smith to \'yours sincerely\' . Please, do.
I dlaczego ta roznica, jesli jakakolwiek jest, jest az tak bardzo wazna (jak piszesz). I nikt nie powiedzial, ze \'yours faithfully\' tlumaczy sie jak poddany do krola, a tylko, ze tez zwrot grzecznosciowy jest lekko ZA bardzo grzecznosciowy, szczegolnie w rodzaju listu zawierajacego zazalenie czy skarge (jak ponizej). Moze to ja obracam sie w bardziej chamskim towarzystwie i dlatego tak to odbieram; pewnie wlasnie to. Za schemat dziekuje, ale nie ma potrzeby bo nigdy do nikgo nie napisze \'yours faithfully\'.
Yours truly (just as kind, don\'t you think?)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about the computer which I purchased a month ago in your shop.
I am sorry to inform you that your machines and service are in a bad condition. Firstly, I was told that the computer was made in Japan, but in reality every part of it was prodiced in Holland. That is why I had many difficulties with receiving spare parts. Finally I managed to acquire them, but I was most dissatisfied to receive the bill.
Secondly, the screen is always dark and I can do nothing with it. I was also seeking a different keyboard because I could not write anything with the one that you provided me with. I telephoned your service, but noone has arrived for two weeks.
I would appreciate if my problem was resolved soon.
Yours faithfully,
Karolina Krzemieniewska