1. receive, customers
' phone reports
2.receive, employees
' reports, damages (not faults)
apostrophies required. My suggestion would be:
1. plainly: Dealing with customers. In english you just say DEAL. In Polish DEAL is not USED.
2. Helping employees with faulty equipment like cages.
DEAL: umowa, układ. English is not the SAME as POLISH. They are 2 Separated Languages !
Przyjmuję zgłoszenia uszkodzeń klatek od pracowników- CO masz na mysli ? ze spisujesz na kartce ilosc zepsutych klatek ? czy masz na mysli: przyjmuje zgloszenia aby wymienic te klatki ? Mam wrazenie ze chodzi ci o to ze wymienisz te klatki itd... Rozumiesz o co mi chodzi ????
I keep record of damages in order to replace it ? Nie ma sensu ! rozumiesz ? Po polsku ma sens a w angielskim nie ma ....
cannot translate polish sentance word by word into english ! It won't make sense in english ...
Words in dictionary
are equivalents It doesn't mean that these equivalents are used exacltly like in POLISH
It comes as a SHOCK. ... I am aware that very few people understand this , however I am telling you now so you can make real progress in english ...
edytowany przez big.f00t: 11 lut 2017